We're Hurt (POVswitches)

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Crowds, crowds, and more crowds! I was gritting my teeth and Natsu was also quite irritable. The rest of the band was terrified.


We were both getting pissed off. We hated this attention, no, we loathed it! She was constantly rolling her eyes and gritting her teeth. I was always taking heavy breaths and growling. The rest of the band was staying at least three feet away from us, which was smart.


I had to go off to the girls bathroom where I was attacked by an angry, white-haired witch!

"You're gonna stay away from Natsu. That isn't a request." She stated as calmly as she could with a glare that was nothing compared to what she was about to get if she kept on with these immature interactions.

"No." I said plainly. Her glare deepened.

"What did you just say?"

"I said 'No.' N. O. No." I repeated myself. She growled at me and jumped at me. Her eyes dark, but not dark at all. She started scratching at my arms and face. I didn't fight back. I simply just took it in. It was when she shoved me down to the floor, knocking off my locket, which was now covered in my blood, that I wasn't taking it anymore. I stood up, my eyes as dark as obsidian, and began to walk towards the girl. She had made a mistake.


I was walking down the halls and as I passed the girl's bathroom, I heard what sounded like something hitting a wall, hard, and the small jingle of a chain hitting the floor. I stopped, and I waited to see if I could hear anything else, but it was silent. I then grew horrified. I felt it, the aura. HER aura! I couldn't just stand back because it was the girl's bathroom. I ran in and the first thing I saw was Lucy making her way to Lissanna. Lucy was covered in blood along with the walls, floors, and Lissanna's nails. I looked around and then saw Lucy's locket, the one I gave her, on the floor covered in blood, Lucy's blood. I ran up to Lucy and grabbed her by her shoulders. She turned her head slightly and glared at me the way she was toward Lissanna. I got the message and backed off immediately. Lissanna didn't know what she was in for, and honestly, neither did I. Lucy was too unpredictable when she was like this, which was one of the scariest parts of it.

As she got closer to the guilty, terrified girl, I went into some sort of action. I ran toward Lucy again, only this time I got in front of her and held her. I held her in my arms tightly. She was fighting me, but I wouldn't let her go. She was punching, and scratching, and kicking, but I wouldn't let go! I couldn't risk it, I mean, this is an angry Lucy we're talking about! She finally ran out of breath and sat down along with me against a wall and took deep, heavy breaths. I shot a death glare towards Lissanna and she ran as far from that bathroom as she could. It was then that the pain from all the cuts on Lucy's body started to affect her, she began to scream and cry.


The pain was more than I expected it to be. This was gonna scar for sure. The cuts were deep, and blood was everywhere. I can't believe she would do this to me. I should've just gotten out of his hold, but in order to do that I would've had to hurt him, and I would never do that, no matter what. I screamed and cried into his chest as he held me. I couldn't bear this pain! Her nails were almost like little razor blades and they had just pierced my skin, over and over again. Red, salty tears dropped to the bathroom floor as I released my anger, sadness, and pain out into the world. It was too much for me.

People began to hear the screams and came running. The bathroom was now full of people, but the people closest to me were the gang. Natsu, Laxus, Gajeel, Jellal, Gray, Levy, Mira, and Juvia. They all kept holding me. I couldn't even speak. They tried to take me out of the bathroom but I started screaming again, this time not out of pain or emotion, but because it was the only way I was able to express words. They looked at me quizzically and I just shakily pointed to an odd shaped object amongst all the red of the scene. Natsu knew immediately what I was pointing at and dashed, yet again, across the bathroom. He slowly picked up the chain and walked over to me. He said something only to me in my ear that took my mind off the cuts for just a moment as he handed over the locket that I loved so dearly.

"Best Friends forever. I promise." He held onto my hand as he said it, and then he let go. They had called my butler, Emmit, to come and escort me home and just as he was about to drive off, Natsu came rushing out.

"I'm coming as well!" He stated out of breath. At first Emmit seemed shocked, but then his soft smile crept across his face the same way it does every time Natsu comes to my rescue.

He kept me company the whole car ride, but my small and weak smile had disappeared instantly as I saw a face I wasn't expecting to see for another month. My father stood at the front gate waiting for me, not knowing that Natsu was with me. As the limo pulled up toward him Emmit looked at us with a frown that said,
"I didn't know!"

I nodded and Emmit turned off the car, came around the side, and opened the door. Natsu helped me stand and get out of the car and Emmit was waiting for me outside the door. I then watched my father carefully as Natsu came out of the vehicle and then wrapped my arm around his shoulders to help me walk. My father's expression darkened even more so. He inhaled and my fianl thoughts before the explosion were quite simple,


A/N: Hello!!! So, I apologize if there are any typos! It's somewhat late at night when I'm writing this and so I'm too lazy to fix crap!! So, anyway, I just wanted to say thank you, you guys because this book is my most popular that I've ever written and that makes me happy!! Couldn't have done it without you all! :}


Author: Stop.....! The story is already violent enough!

Laxus: And who's fault is that Ms.AUTHOR?

Lucy: Why would you do this to me?

Author: okay, Laxus, shut up! And Lucy, because it's a plot twist!

Gray: Here's my question! Why did~

Gajeel: Why didn't the readers ask any questions?

Gray: *Glares*

Author: It is only the first chapter I wrote with the Q/A thing guys, calm down! Seriously though, ask questions reader-chan! Pweaze!!! Everyone say goodbye!

Everyone: Goodbye!

Author: *waves*

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