I'm Introduced (POV switches)

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A/N: Major Timeskip

I haven't spoken to him in months. I don't answer my phone, I don't reply to emails, and I don't even talk out the window. I think he's just about ready to give up on me. I don't even know what school he's going to, but I do know that I've finally convinced my father to let me go to Fairy Tail High as a normal student. Blackmail is the best!
Tomorrow is my first day and I already have everything ready. I can settle in and just be free from that dumb house! It all just doesn't feel right though. I don't really want to go anywhere without Natsu, but my father would have a fit if I were to hang out with him again. Why does he have to be such a selfish fool, anyways?

I woke up and groggily hit the dismiss button on my phone alarm. I got up an got dressed. I ran to my backpack and snatched it up in a hurry, I was ready to leave this place. Phone in hand and books in bag, I waited by the front door for Emmit who was to drive me this morning. He finally reached the bottom of the stairs and we dashed out to the limo. He opened the door for me and I rapidly stepped in. He sat down in the front seat and drove off. I could see us coming up to the building. This was going to be awesome, but really lonely without Natsu.

I watched Emmit drive off after we finally arrived. I was one of the early people and so I took the time to look around some. I climbed up a staircase that lead to a beautiful balcony with a somewhat unsturdy railing. It made me feel kind of uneasy. I then heard squeals from behind me and then I was attacked by a swarm of fan girls drooling over some boy down below. Oh, crap! They knocked me off. I was falling again, from the same height as my roof from my bedroom, only this time, Natsu wasn't here to save my life. I screamed, and I screamed loud! I was about to hit the ground, there were crowds everywhere and just as I was ready to take the impact and lose my life I heard gasps...and then cheers! I felt those arms again, the ones that caught me last time. I opened my eyes and saw him hugging my torso kind of bridal style. He smirked as I stared wide eyed at the salmon haired boy that could make me sing the sweetest tune even in the most bitter of moods. He gave me that smirk that he always gave me.

"We've got to stop meeting like this."

"N-Natsu?" I replied shakily. He then sat me down on my own two feet and picked my books up for me. I heard screams of anger from where I had fell and saw a white haired girl, red in the face.

There was a scream and crowds of people around the old balcony. I looked up to see a blonde girl that I almost recognized falling from the sky. I then saw the necklace that she was wearing and jumped into action. This was the second time I would catch Lucy from a deadly fall. She was close to the ground now. I jumped underneath of her and prepared myself. Just at the time she would've hit the ground she hit my arms and people turned away and gasped, when they looked back, she was safe in my arms and everyone cheered. Everyone except Lissanna that is. I looked down at her, she looked up at me with wide eyes and her jaw had dropped slightly. I gave her my famous smirk.

"We've got to stop meeting like this."

"N-Natsu?" She stuttered in reply. I revealed my face a little more and gave her a small smile. Then I set her down and picked up her books. We heard yet another scream but this one was of anger. We looked up to see Lissanna storming away through the crowd.

"That's lissanna. She has a huge crush on Natsu and she just witnessed him save the life of another girl. This is gonna be an interesting rest of the year!" A raven haired boy said calmly walking towards me and Natsu with a few other guys. I hid behind Natsu. He chuckled.

"Nice job icypop! You scared Lucy!" He said slightly sternly, slightly jokingly. I couldn't help but chuckle at the expression on the raven haired boy's face when he said these words. It was a look of anger, obviously from the name Natsu called him, and confusion, from Natsu stating mine.

"Lucy? Who in the world is Lucy?" A guy with black, spikey hair, and piercings all over his face that looked like nails, said. His appearance and deep voice scared me even more. I gave a slight squeak and cowered behind Natsu once again.

"Really? You too, Metal Face? You guys have to stop scaring my bestfriend." He stated it so calmly. Their jaws dropped, and another one spoke up. This one had a brightish, dark blue color for his hair, and some weird red tattoo down his face.

"I'm sorry, but we were informed that no one would ever be able to win that title in a million years. How'd the new girl do it in a millionth of a second?" He questioned Natsu. This time I bursted. I almost fell to the ground in laughter. Natsu chuckled for the same reason as I and just smiled at me.

"Wow! You three really can't connect the dots, can you?" I pestered. Natsu's face began to turn slightly red from holding in laughter, it always did when he tried not to laugh.

"Popscicle, Screw Head, and ancient idiot, I'm Lucy Heartfillia, best friend of Natsu over here, and have been for 11 years now! How about that?" Natsu couldn't hold it in anymore. He fell to ground in laughter and was almost in tears. Their mouths had fell open. They regained themselves for the most part and began to walk away. Natsu stood up and called them all back over. He pointed to the one with raven hair.

"Gray." Then to the one with face piercings.

"Gajeel." Then to the one with a red tattoo on his face that looked like it was from ancient history or something.

"Jaleel." I nodded in response to all of them. I then looked at my watch and showed Natsu the time. We both screamed in harmony.

"We are SO late for class!" He yelled.

"I don't even have a schedule yet!" I replied. We darted to the guidance councilor to get my schedule and to our delight, we had every class together. We then dashed off to our first period class and sat down. The teacher noted our tardiness and was very passive about it, I hate those kind of people.

"How nice of you to finally join us Dragneel and...who are you?" He looked directly at me. I bit my lip a little out of nervousness and replied somewhat quietly, but loud enough to be heard.

"I'm Lucy, the new student." He nodded his head and continued with the lesson. I realeased a sigh of relief and began to take notes. I then heard whispers from behind me and tried to ignore them, but then I heard my last name...Heartfillia.

'CRAP!' This was my only thought.

A/N: HIIIIIAAA!!!! So, this was one of the few chapters that had a POV SWITCH. These will be extremely rare. But that save tho! Natsu is like always saving this girl! As one of the readers of this book said earlier, "Natsu to the rescue!" So, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I will be letting you know the people's POV from now on, I think in this one it was pretty obvious so I just left it out. I will be trying to post the next chapter tomorrow, but until then, bye reader-chan!!!
I also want to point out the fact that I went back and corrected typos at 6:30 in the morning and on a bus, so if there's anything confusing, I apologize for that.

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