We're Healed (POV switches/Book Finale)

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Lucy POV

Words started pouring out of him like a river. If I had thought I had been crying a lot before, then I had cried an ocean while he was talking. He told me that while I was away, he had become numb to all things that would usually hurt him. He said that he could never feel pain worse than the pain he had felt when we had to let go of each other that day, and he had to watch me board the plane with my irrational father. And the truth is, nothing had ever hurt me as much as that day either, that is, up until recently, when Natsu and I had been avoiding each other. Not talking, not looking at each other, calling off band practice just to keep our distance. I wanted it to end so badly, but it never did, until Laxus opened my eyes. He showed me how I truly felt about Natsu, and the truth was, I loved him beyond friendship, beyond what I thought was possible.

He told me about how he had felt like there was a knife constantly being driven through his heart everytime he saw me, but had to have the strength to walk away from me. It had even put our friends apart. Gray would hang out with me, and Gajeel would hang out with him. Everyone had been put into a depression. seperation had come amongst us.

Then, he said that it was that day, the day that he had been nearly beaten to death, that he had realized just how much he had actually cared about me. When he had barely heard my voice through his near unconciousness, how he had seen my face storm into the scene just before everything had gone dark for him, that's when he realized, he loved me more than just a friend, he loved me the way I loved him. I was so shocked that I couldn't speak. I just stared at him and stuttered. I tried so hard to tell him I felt the same way, but the harder I tried the harder it became to tell him. I had no idea what I was doing! Just before I was going to give myself one more chance at saying how I felt, the nurse came in and sent me away. She pushed me out the door and I struggled and looked back to him and saw him turn and lay on his side... and then I saw a single tear fall down his cheek, and my heart broke into a million pieces.

Natsu POV

She was so surprised and disgusted that she couldn't even talk to me. I was honestly angry with myself for ever thinking that she would ever feel the same way about me. Why did I get so hopeful like that...again? Telling her how I feel didn't get her to stay before. What made me think it work in my favor this time?

I finally got let out after a while. I got home and, despite all the resting I had already done, fell asleep immediately. I didn't wake until my alarm for school went off. As I was getting ready I saw Lucy's light flicker off, and then back on, then off again. I opened my window and called out her name. No response.

I called again.


I grabbed my phone and called her that way. It went straight to voicemail. Whatever. I knew she didn't want to talk to me anymore so why was I bothering trying? I put down my phone and continued getting ready. I looked over to her window one more time, the light was still switching on and off. It was really weird, maybe it was just some electrical issues that they were having over there. I grabbed my earbuds and placed the firmly in my ears. I did what I always did when life had let me down, I blasted music just loud enough so that I couldn't hear anyone or anything in the world. There was only one way to get my attention now, physical contact. And Lucy was the only one who had ever been brave enough to touch me when I was listening to music, probably because she was the only one I would allow to do it. Well, she's not talking to me right now so I shouldn't have to worry about that at all today.

Lucy POV

I was trying to get ready for school today but my mind was somewhere else. I forgot pretty much everything. First it was my backpack, then my textbooks. After that it was my sketchpad and song book, and then my phone, which I had turned off last night because people kept calling me and texting me while I was trying to sleep and I still hadn't turned it back on yet. My lights went on and off, on and off, on and off. It was a pattern of forgetfulness and having to return to my bedroom to get more of my stuff. Finally, I had turned off my light again after grabbing my earbuds. I made sure that they would stay in before I powered up my phone again to start my loud music. I wanted to tune out the universe like I so often did when I was in a mood, and I was in a pretty big mood. My lock screen was filled with notifications on social medias, missed calls, and texts, but the only one that caught my attention was the missed call from Natsu...this morning. He had tried to talk to me. So he wasn't avoiding me? No. He probably was and was just trying to figure out why my light kept going from on to off so many times. Although, I felt bad, since my phone was off it would've gone straight to voicemail, and so he probably thinks I'm avoiding him. Whatever. I can't care anymore. It hurts too much.

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