I'm in a Band (Natsu POV)

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"She won't leave her alone! It's really bothering her and when something bothers her, it bothers me! I- I can't believe that Lissanna is actually this selfish! I mean, like, what's with her? Does she have some sort of brain problem or something? Geez!" I ranted to Gray, whom decided to keep his mouth shut. I was very angry with Lissanna! Every time I walk away, even for a second, I come back to see Lucy up against a locker being threatened or something! It was starting to get on my nerves! What did Lissanna think anyway? I have never liked her anyway, and Lucy wasn't the reason. I've never felt like that towards anyone! I just don't have those kinds of feelings! She needs to understand that! Gray finally said something after I sat down.

"Listen Natsu, I know you're really upset about this, and so is everyone else in the group. I mean, Gajeel has been glaring Lissanna down for a while now, ever since Lissanna broke into Lucy's house, actually. We all have! Jellal has been walking with Lucy everywhere when you aren't around to make sure that she doesn't try to get at Lucy anymore than she has. It's been bad. I think it's about time we take some action into this situation. We can't just leave Lucy like this for the rest of her life. Being on Lissanna's hit-list isn't fun." Talk about a speech! I then stood up and looked him in the eyes.

"Well neither is being on Lucy's." I said it so calmly, with slight fear running through my voice. I had seen her bad side, and it was legitimately terrifying! I almost felt bad for Lissanna, almost. Every time she would come near me or Lucy, Lucy's eyes would grow dark and angry. It wasn't the worst of it though, she was just starting to get frustrated with Lissanna. When she gets really mad, all you do is tremble as her voice raises and deepens all at once. Her eyes grow evil and dark. Her tone is so cold it freezes you with fear. Lucy is not a force to be reckoned with, and I'm just glad that I wasn't on the receiving end of it when I saw that side of her for the first time, or any of the times I had seen that side of her. It gave me nightmares.

"Oi! Natsu!" I heard a peppy voice yell. I turned and then before I could process what was going on Lissanna had thrown herself onto me! I then heard the same sentence from Lucy, only it was cut short.

"What are you doing, Lissanna?" She said it as calm as she could. Lissanna rolled her eyes and spoke in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Hanging out with my man, obviously!" Oops! She just made a mistake. Lucy's eyes turned from chocolate brown to pitch black. Stuff was about to get terrifying. Lucy grabbed Lissanna by the back of her collar and lifted her out of my arms and onto the floor. That girl was stronger than most girls, especially when she was pissed off, and she had finally broken.

"Hey! What the heck, you bit-"

"Say it and I swear on my life you'll never speak again!" Lucy interrupted her. It was that voice. That loud, deep, terrifying voice. I gave a quick glance over to Gray who looked as if he was about to cry from horror. I looked back at the two girls and saw that Lissanna was trembling. Any idiot would've been able to see that Lucy was the clear winner of this fight, and she wasn't done with her victim yet.

"You are seriously getting on my nerves and quite frankly, I'm done listening to you! I'm not another one of your little puppets who'll do whatever you tell them to! I am my own person, with my own life, and Natsu, he's my best friend, so try and keep me away from him again and I won't be as nice! Am I understood?" It was true, this wasn't the worst she could be, it was still utterly terrifying but nothing compared to what I've seen of her. Lissanna nodded her head quickly and ran away. Immediately Lucy perked up and was back to being cheery and perky. I never understood how she could do that!

"Anyway, so I wanted to show you this!" She handed me her cell phone which had a picture of Me and Her surrounded by hearts. I gave it a quizzical look and glanced back up at Lucy. She looked annoyed about this.

"What's all this about?" I asked, handing back her phone.

"Well, apparently there is someone posting these all over Instagram. All the captions have '#NaLu' written in them. So, in other words, people think we should date, and i'm just like, No. What are you thoughts about this sudden ship blow up?" She explained in a very serious and quick tone. I gave a quick answer, not wanting to irritate her more than she already was.

"I think it's insane. We're bestfriends, not a couple! What the heck?"

"Exactly what I'm saying! People can be so irritating sometimes, geez!" Was her reply to this. The bell rang signaling it was time for us to run off to our last period class before we were late.

In the middle of class the teacher got a phone call and looked at all five of our group. He nodded his head a lot which was kind of confusing us. When he finally hung up the phone he called us up to his desk.

"Lucy, Natsu, Gajeel, Gray, and Jellal. Would you five please come up here please?" We all stood and walked over to his desk. We gave him quizzical looks because he wasn't saying anything when we got up there.

"Oh, yes! You five must go to the auditorium. You'll be there the rest of the day so take your stuff along with you." He then dismissed us and we went along to the auditorium with confusion streaming through us all very visibly.

With our arrival we all saw no one there, but we all jumped slightly at Lucy's sudden gasp of excitement. There were five things on stage. Two mics, a drum set, a guitar, and a bass guitar. We all slowly walked over to the instruments and observed them closely. Lucy and I subconsciously walked straight over to the two microphones. Jellal seemed to be drawn to the drums, Gray to the guitar, and Gajeel to the bass. We all looked at each other, and then back at the instruments.

"Oh good, you're all here, and I see you have found your instruments as well!" We turned around quickly, all startled by the sudden voice. It was the short, old principal, Mister Makarov. He had that huge cheesey smile of his plastered across his face. We all just looked at him, blank expressions upon our faces. He looked at us with confusion and then jumped with realization!

"Oh, yes, of course! You five have been chosen by the music teacher to start a band together. She believes you're all very talented young artists, and that you should express your music a little more publicly. She says that Jellal is great on drums, Gray can't seem to be one without the guitar, and Gajeel seemed to have some sort of connection with the bass guitar." That's all he said. Me and Lucy got irritated.

"And...?" We said in sync, our arms both crossed.

"And most of all, the two best singers of all her classes were Natsu and Lucy. Great separately, even better together!" We looked at each other. She gave me a weak smile and I returned it. We've been singing together since we were little. That was always our special thing. When the other didn't feel good, we would sing for them. When the other was happy, we would sing with them. It was all just special to us, no matter what the circumstances. We all nodded our heads toward the principal who began to walk off.

"You five start practicing now, and don't forget a band name!" He said with a wave of his hand and not even a second glance at the five friends. Shoot! A band name! I was always horrible at that kind of stuff! Now what?

"Us..." Lucy said quietly I could barely hear her and the others couldn't hear her at all. They asked her to repeat but I did for her, with a soft smile in her direction.

"Us. It's the perfect band name." The five of us looked at each other. We all smiled.

"Us." We all said it together.

A/N: HIIII!!!! That's the best band name ever in my opinion! It makes them all seem so close to each other! AWWWWWWW!!! Sorry, I had a slight fan girl moment, but anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I will be most likely publishing again sometime this week, most likely tomorrow! Bye!!!!

I'm Falling (NaLu)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن