I'm... (Natsu POV)

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"Zeref? Why would you want to talk to someone like him? Who are you?" The guard yelled in my ear. I looked at him with a look of pure unamusement. I looked away and sighed, ashamed.
"Natsu Dragneel, one of the reasons he's in here." The guard dropped his clipboard. He froze with shock and fear. He began stuttering with everything he said, but what else could I expect, my brother tried to murder me and I was pretty famous for it, by authorities anyways.
"Mi- Mister D- Dragneel. Of- of c-course. My ap- apologies." He dashed off to retrieve my brother and I was sat into a booth. I took deep breaths as I heard the footsteps of the three people making their way to the other side of the booth.
"Lucy. It's for Lucy." I muttered under my breath as they came closer still. Then, his horrible face came into view, and he sat down in front of me, looking like he had never been so confused in his life.
"Do I know you, these fools wouldn't tell me who you were."
"You know me very well."
""Then who are you?" He demanded from me. I glared, and I glared hard, right into his eyes!
"Your little brother, Natsu Dragneel!" His look of confusion merged into one of shock, but soon after, it changed into his own Dragneel smirk. My blood boiled as he spoke.
"Natsu? My little brother finally coming to visit me, eh? To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"The only reason I'm here is because Lucy is dying." I spoke fighting tears.
"Lucy?" He questioned.
"Heartfillia." I clarified.
"Lucy Heartfillia? That little brat of Jude's? That blonde haired freak I heard so much about a year after I was put into this joint? What about her?"
"I told you, she's dying. She's my best friend and I promised her that I would do this before she, or the friendship, died. This is the only way to save her now, and I intend on doing so!" I explained, struggling to fight my tears even more so, now standing, now breathin heavily, now yelling. Zeref seemed taken aback.
"Alright, so here you are, what do you want to talk to me about?" He finally spoke.
"Nothing in particuar, just have to clear things up and talk to you." I replied.
"Then talk." We stared into each other's eyes for about a minute until the silence was broken.
"Mom's death. You were the cause of it weren't you?" Zeref nodded in resonse. My anger increased even more so.
"I already know about how you killed father, and how you tried to kill me. Anything else you want to tell me?"
He nodded.
"I left one family member before I went for you."
"What? Who?" I was, again, on my feet.
"Our aunt. Dad had a sister. I hear she's in town. Whatever. Hey, where are you going?" I didn't say anything. I stormed off. I heard him start yelling from the booth. I heard the guard take him, walk him back to his cell. He was screaming my name, but I slammed out of the building. That woman from the hospital, that was her. She looked like my dad, because she was his sister. Nothing would calm me down now. I was too pissed, worried, and confused. I marched back to the hospital, to Lucy's room, expecting to see Lucy in the same state that was in when I left just two hours before, but instead, she was sitting up, talking to her, my aunt. She looked over as I burst through the door. I froze, a year fell from my eye.
"Oh, Lucy, dear, I- I should go." She started to stand and pick up her things. I walked over and touched her shoulder.
"I know who you are." I spoke quietly. Lucy smiled at the two of us, and she began to tear up.
"I'm proud of you, Dragneel." Lucy piped in. I looked over to her and softly smiled.
"I missed you, Luce." She chuckled as she stood, doctors gasped. I wasn't surprised, because we had a miracle. She was healthy, as if nothing had ever happened. She walked over to me and kissed my cheek.
"Missed you too. Hey, unbreakable cement?" She held out her fist. I smiled, and touched my fist to hers.
"Unbreakable cement."

A/N: Kind of short, but this is the second chapter I posted today. Cut me some slack here. I typed all of these two chapters today!! Okay, so, cliffhanger removed, friendship repaired, new character, and a miracle doctors thought would never come. That's Natsu and Lucy for ya! Alright, so, let me know what you guys thought!!! Bye!

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