I'm Positive (Natsu POV)

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It's been four days already. She hasn't moved. What happened?
'"LUCY!!" I darted across the rope ladder as I witnessed her collapse in the midst of sobs. Her breathing had been shaky as she sat in the floor with her hands covering her face. Her body stopped moving and fell over. I didn't know what else to do. I immediately tossed the ladder and Emmit latched it. Once I got over there I saw her motionless form pale, skinny, and breathless. A sharp pain hit me in the chest as I picked her up in my arms and saw her tear stained cheeks. I was the cause of this, I knew it. Emmit ran out to the limo and had the door open ready for me. I began to run out as a strong, cold hand gripped onto my arm. I looked behind my shoulder to see the emotionless eyes of Jude Heartfillia filled with rage and fire.
"Why are you in my house? Unhand my daughter, you rat!" He shouted. My expression didn't change from the glare that I was shooting directly into his eyes.
"She's not your daughter, and I'm not a rat." I said it with hatered flowing through every vein that lied within my body. I shook out of his grip and ran out to the limo. I say her in and Emmit slammed the door glaring back at Jude. He ran to the front seet and began to dash down the road to the closest hospital there was.'
The noise is still filling my ears which kept me hopeful. One beep, then another, and another. They kept on going. The doctors came in with a very glum expression which broke my heart in two.
"Natsu, I'm so sorry, but it would take a miracle to save her now." She spoke slowly. I stood and looked her right in the eye.
"Our friendship is built off of miracles. What else would you call a little boy catching a girl, the same size as him, after she fell from a roof?" The doctor gasped as I walked over to Lucy. I wasn't going anywhere.
"Natsu Dragneel?" A voice chimed in as I looked at my poor Lucy. I turned my head towards the door, and there stood a short woman. She had hair and eyes like mine. She resembled my father.
"Do I know you?" She opened her mouth as to reply, but shut it just as quickly. She turned and walked out of the hospital with a depressed expression. I would go after her, but I wasn't going to leave Lucy, not for that.
Night fell and the doctors kept watching me sit next to Lucy. Every now and then I would begin to talk to see if she would answer, but she never did. I began to give up, tears started to fall from my cheeks. The beeping became more rapid, doctors rushed in and kicked me out of the room. I needed to figure out how to help her. It wa my duty as, not only her best friend, but also as the one who caused this in the first place. A look of determination etched across my face an hour later as I was let back in. The doctor looked st me once again and, once again, tried to convince me to just go home and give up, that it was no use. I didn't even look at her this time. I waked once again over to Lucy. She sat motionless, even paler and even skinnier than before. I knew what I had to do, but I had to stay for just a little while longer to make sure that it was what Lucy wanted me to do, that it was why she hadn't woken. I slept yet another night in the hospital, only this time I had a dream. I woke early in the morning drowning in sweat, unable to breathe. I looked over to Lucy lying still in the hospital bed. It crushed me, but this dream, it had to have been sent from Lucy. Her way of telling me that she wasn't going to change her state until I did it. That face, that laugh, that scream, that man. Her eyes, her smile, her reassurance, her. Our friendship, our lives, our future, our past, our story, our promise. It couldn't be any ordinary nightmare. You don't just randomly dream of the face of your closest friend, and most distant, stare you right in the face repeating your name. It just doesn't happen. I walked over to Lucy and looked over her pale, thin figure. I bent down slowly and kissed her forehead. I whispered into her ear,
"Alright, I'll do it." I walked out, down the road, across the field, the largest prison in all of Magnolia in view. I kept walking towards it. It was all for her, I would never do it if it wasn't why she was doing this. I reached the doors and opened them slowly. A guard greeted me kindly.
"Hello, sir. Is there something I can help you with?" He asked with a smile. I didn't even make eye contact as I replied.
"I'm here to see someone."
"Of course, sir, who are you looking to speak to?" I didn't answer immediately. I took a deep breath and finally looked at the guard in the eye.
"Zereff Dragneel."

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