I'm Standing Up (LucyPOV)

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"I thought I told you to stay away from that pink haired rodent!" My father scolded me loudly in his office. He always raised his hand in a tight fist when he was angry and right now that made me flinch due to my recent experience. His expression didn't change. I tried to speak but I didn't have the strength to make a single sound. He couldn't care less about the fact that I had come home early due to BLOOD LOSS! All he cares about is his money, and for some reason, he thought that Natsu was after it! Emmit came into the room at just the moment I needed him to.

"Sir, with all respect, Natsu should be the last thing on your mind at the moment. Your daughter, your only child, has just been sent home due to being attacked and nearly bleeding out in the bathroom of a high school. Shouldn't you be more concerned about her well being?" He spoke with caution. Mess anything up with my father and you'll be sacked for certain.

"Why would I be concerned? She's a Heartfillia! She knows how to take care of herself! I've seen her do much worse than this to somebody who got her angry enough!"

"Yes sir, I know, but that would've gotten her into serious trouble, self defense or not. And by the way I'm hearing things, Natsu is the reason she's even still allowed at this school."

"This is the second time you've said that, that THING's name to me, Emmit. You are beginning to anger me more so than I already am!" My father was glaring, and so was Emmit. I stood up and with all of my strength made out, in a very scratchy voice, a bit of a sentence.

"Just stop all of this nonsense, please." I began to cough a little and I had to fight with myself because, Lord so help me, get a stain on my father's perfect white carpet and you may as well be dead right then and there.

"Please, sir. I'm not after your money. I don't know anything of the conflict between you and my father, but my father isn't me, and he's also not around to instruct me to do anything that would be harming to your business." Natsu cautiously spoke up from outside the door. He had the most horrified look on his face. My father was extremely insulted, but why, only God knows the answer to that!

"Get out of my house you repulsive child! Now! And if I ever hear of you interacting with my daughter again, who knows what I'll do! I suggest you just leave my family alone, boy! Understand me?" He shouted from his desk, fist raised once more, and my face flinching so much so that Emmit thought me to be having a seizure. Natsu shakily nodded and darted out of the house and ran to his own next door. Tears formed in my eyes. I missed him already. I needed him!

"I hate you..." I said it so quietly. No one heard me.

"What was that? Speak up, girl!" My father shouted in reply. I stood up, knees wobbling. My hair covered my eyes causing a dark aura to surround me. It took all my strength not to lunge at him for what he had just done.

"I hate you!" I shouted back, voice still scratching.

"Did you hear me THAT time, Jude?" This man, he doesn't deserve to be a father, and so he shall not be one!

"Don't you dare call me by that name!"

"Well, I'm not going to call you my father, because you aren't! You will never deserve to be anything more than an evil man with enemies and money! I hope you enjoy your lonely life, because the only reason I'm going to be in it, is because I legally have to live with you!" I shouted, straining my throat more! I turned around and stomped over to the door. Before I shut it I stopped and looked back at him, tears strolling down my face from anger.

"What kind of a man cares so little about their daughter, that they would be angry at her for almost dying at school?" I said it quieter, but still loud enough to be heard. I turned back to the hallway and slammed the door shut behind me. Emmit hadn't said a single word after I had stood up. I just noticed this.

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