We're Broken (POV Switches)

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Natsu POV

After that night, I didn't know who I was anymore. I hadn't only lost Lucy, I had lost myself. The night's events were so heartbreaking that I completely tuned out the world and plastered my old friend the fake smile on for the crowd of girls that came stampeding my way. I didn't even notice when Gray and Lucy ran out until they came back into the room, Lucy with tear stained cheeks. I wanted so badly to hold her and ask her what was wrong, but I couldn't. That was Laxus's job now.  

The next few weeks blurred by. The band had been turning down all of the gig propositions we were getting. We were all doing independent study courses temporarily, or at least I hoped. And worst of all, it was like the band split in half. Gray would always be hanging around Lucy, and Gajeel would always be hanging around me. It was a complete social disaster!

"What's going on man? You aren't yourself lately." Gajeel had finally noticed the tension that had been surrounding me and decided to try and force it to disperse.  He failed miserably.

"Nothing. I'm fine." Was my response, but it was also a lie. I was nowhere near fine. I didn't know if I ever would be again. My life was going completely down hill and I had lost the strength to climb back up. I began to wonder if she even knew how much I meant it when I told her that I loved her. I wondered if I even knew myself.

Lucy POV

I didn't know how I felt about what Gray had told me that night.

"He still loves you, Lucy. More than you know."

What had he meant? It didn't make any sense! I was filled with relief when he had told me he still loved me because I was starting to lose certainty about that, but when he said more than I know, my heart and brain both drew a blank at the same time. What did it mean? Was there something I was missing? Or am I just really stupid and oblivious to not only his feelings, but my own on top of them.



"What did you mean that night? More than I know? What is it I don't know? What am I missing?"

For the first time all day Gray looked up from his phone. I only knew this was the first time because he had been hanging around me a lot lately. In fact, I was the only person he hung out with lately. He hadn't spoken to Natsu since that night, at least if he did it wasn't in person. And come to think of it, Gajeel hadn't spoken to me since that night either. He hung out with Natsu all the time.

"Well, that's something that the both of you need to figure out for yourselves, but I can tell you that I can feel that you two are very close to finding each other again." He looked back down to his phone.

"But I still do-"

"Lucy!" I heard a voice scream my name from the other end of the cafeteria. When I turned to look who the source was I saw a very worried Levy standing in the main entrance of the cafeteria.

"Levy? What's wrong?" I was scared now because Levy hardly ever looked this worried unless something was seriously  wrong. 

"It's Laxus! He's attacking Natsu in the main hall! It's about you!"

Oh no...

Natsu POV

"You think she ever want you?"


"You think she would EVER leave me?"




"LAXUS!" I heard a voice yell his name from the other end of the hall. I didn't recognize it due to my ears being swollen shut along with my eyes. And then I knew...and then I actually began to have to fight back tears. It had nothign to do with the searing pain raging through every part of my body. It had nothing to do with the regret that I felt for letting him get up on me like that, just because I was too depressed to do anything! It had to do with that. The depression. It was her! Lucy was more important to me than anything in my life and I hadn't spoken to her in weeks. Yet there she was and I was going to miss everything as I blacked out slowly.

Lucy POV

I ran as fast as I could to the main hall just to find Laxus pulverizing Natsu.

"YOU THINK SHE WILL EVER TALK YOU AGAIN!?"  Laxus was screaming at Natsuś bruised and beaten body. He kicked him in the back and Natsu let out a a scream of such pain I could feel it. Laxus laughed and laughed and I began to feel my tears drop from my cheeks from looking at the scene. I was scared at first, but then, that fear turned into nothing but rage. And it was all for Laxus!

"LAXUS!" I yelled as loud as I could. Natsu's eyes were swollen shut and  Ididn't even know if he was concious. Everything went silent. His laughter seaced to exist anymore. He turned to me with pure fear written all over his body. I could feel the terror he felt coming from off of him. 

"Youŕe insane if you think I would ever choose you over him. And you're insane if you think that I will EVER talk to you again after what I just witnessed. Leave me alone, leave the school, leave the country! AND DON'T EVER COME BACK!"

"Lucy, please! It's not what it looks like!" I looked down at Natsu, and I saw a single tear escape from his eye and when I looked back to Laxus, my eyes were blazing flames from the pits of hell.

"Oh, yes it is. It looks like we. are. OVER!" My words echoed through the halls so loudly that people began to file out of their classes to see the commotion. Gasps and screams were heard form all different directions. But i didn't care. Not anymore. I couldn't even hear Levy, Gray, and Gajeel calling after me as I hastily phoned my dear friend and butler,  Emmit.

"Emmit. Come to the school right now. It's urgent."

"What seems to be the issue Miss Lucy?"

"It's Natsu."

A/N: Hey guys! So, this book is almost over...SO SAD!!! There are only going to be two chapters after this one. I hope you all have enjoyed it so far and I hope that you will continue to do so. But either way.... LAXUS I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! And no one is allowed to criticize and say stuff about me being the author and all that. LOL! But anyway, my fellow anime trash NaLu shippers, I can't wait to write the last two chapters and I hope you are just as excited to read them! BAIIIII!!! <3 ;p

PS. sorry for any typos!

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