A Little Common Ground

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Chapter Eleven

When I walk through the door the house is quiet and it's late. Twelve to be exact. I made Brian avoid taking me home. After we ate we went to a party. I saw a lot of old friends. I go into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water and Lily is sitting at the table.

"Hi." I say looking over at her.

"Sit." She says softly. I sit down and she sighs and runs a hand through her hair. "I know your upset Sam, but please try and give your father a chance. Don't blame him, blame me. He loves you so much and he just wants you back."

"I'm gathering that. I just need time, more time." I sigh.

"So were did you go?" I ask.

"I spent some time with an old friend. We went to eat and then we went to a party." She smiles. "I had fun, lots of fun."

"So do you like this guy?" She asks leaning on the table.

"Nope, he's gay, but I will admit we had a thing two years ago, but there is someone back in Miami." She smiles really big.

"Is it serious." I nod and then I shrug and then I sigh. "Do we ever get to meet him?" I shrug. "So...you don't know if it's serious and we may never meet him." I nod. "Sounds great."

"Yeah. I even have a best friend." I sigh.

"Sounds even better. By the way your sister is asleep in your room. She wouldn't let me move her so she's all yours."

"She doesn't wet the bed or anything does she?" She shakes her head and laughs. "Ok, well night."

I get up and go upstairs. I take off my jacket and kick off my boots. I tug off my shirt and then I hear my lab-top ringing. I grab my robe and sit at my desk. Conner's calling. I answer it and he smiles.

"Hey." He says leaning forward.

"Hi, I just got in."

"I figured. I called your phone and you answered, but I got a lot of noise and music." I nod and pull out my phone. Three missed calls. Mom, Izzy and Mom. "What'd you do?"

"Went for a walk and went to an old favorite Italian restaurant and then a party." He nods in approval and then smiles. "Are you sure it wasn't a date?" I give him an are you serious look. "I'm just asking. It sounds like something I would do."

"Maybe that's why I liked him." I smile. "Turns out I had sex with him and never called him again, but it didn't matter because I was an experiment for his sexuality." I laugh and run a hand through my hair.

"You could never be just and experiment."

"Yeah, but I forgot how much I liked talking to him. Maybe I always liked talking to him because he was always a "Girl."

"I guess, but may I ask why your in a robe?" I giggle a little. I look down I never tied it up. I pull it over me.

"Brian isn't gay and he just left." He frowns. "I'm kidding. I was going to change and then you called so I just grabbed this."

"Why do you have to be such a tease?" I smile and shrug. "I see there is a child in your bed." I turn and look at Josie sound asleep. I look back at him and nod. "She looks like you, she's adorable." I smile.

"Yeah. She repeated the worst thing to Lily and my dad earlier. I was talking to Is and I said my dad was a class A prick and we got down stairs she saw my dad and said, "daddy's a class A prick." So funny, but mean."

"That's were the argument came from?" I nod. "So I take it things are going great." I snort. "Just trying to help."

"You can help by just being there. By the way Brian thinks your hot." I smile and wink. He makes a confused face. "What, he asked me for a picture and I gave him one." He frowns. "Stop pouting." He smiles. "That's more like it. Now tell me what you got me for Christmas."

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