okok last time im sorry

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i just wanted to say something to y'all.

trump can't do shit y'know? passing laws are hard. please do not stress about him being president. if we have to, we'll kick him out in 4 years or sooner. u can't control this, and that's okay. if you need me, dm me. whether u support trump or not, ur opinion is valid. please don't put others down bc of their political views bc it's pointless to argue about that kind of stuff. you believe what you believe, there's nothing more to it.

so please, take care of yourselves, hug someone, cook yourself a fancy meal and just chill ok? get some sleep if it's late, have a good day, the end of the world is NOT near. we've made it through a fucking 10 yr recession (which is still kinda going on??) i think we can make it through 4 yrs of an orange peel in the oval office. i'll be able to vote in 2020, so if he's done a shit job, i promise i'll vote for a better candidate.

stay alive babes.


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