Chapter 2: Meeting At Banjul

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The girl leaned against the wall and closed her eyes, a few strands fell into her face as we sat or stood staring at her in amazement. We never even spoke about how all of us was once a doll. (Nameless) stood up and walked out of the room.

"Can you help, (Y/N nameless)?" Yeon-ho asked, his voice soft and less mature.

She slowly nodded her head and re-opened her eyes. She brushed her hair behind her ear and looked around at us.

"Who are you?" Lance asked, his tone losing it's kindness.

"Lance," Tei spoke coming in from the kitchen. "Let's not be rude."

She smiled at us. "It's fine, that's normal for me. I'm Haylee Logan." She thought for a while. "You're Tei. You are Crobidoll's premium edition. When not looking for (Y/N nameless) you work at Bonjuel as one of the head managers."

We blinked in surprised at the girl who called herself Haylee. She knew way too much in the weirdest and creepiest way.

"I don't see how that has to do with the fact you called us dolls." Lance stated, Yuri and Tei shook their heads in frustration.

The girl chuckled and her eyes when from purple to magenta in a flash. I raised my eyebrow at her. She shrugged and walked over to Lance and her arms crossed her chest as a smirk formed on her face.

"Says the boy who's afraid of being replaced so easily because of his doll popularity. Not to mention the fact you kissed a boy who's in this very room." She whispered loud enough for is to hear the she was annoyed with Lance already.

"Lance you kissed a boy?" I asked and thought about the last part she said. "And who was it?"

"Not your damn business, Red." He growled and turned away her and walked to our room.

Minutes passed with silence the room. Tei spoke first. "I'm sorry about Lance, he has such an attitude."

"Oh, look momma Tei is back." Yuri spoke earning a glare from Tei.

I got up and walked over to them to get a better look at Haylee.

(Haylee's pov-time skip- four days later)
I walked down the busy street with my head hung low. Ever since I began to hang out with the dolls, Red and Lance are always bickering with each other. Yeon-ho wants to find (Y/N nameless) and constantly keeps looking for her spirit.  Tei leaves me to keep an eye on all the boys while Yuri hides in his room unless Lance asks him to go and try and find any clues on where she is.
The boys really stress me out more than my friends back home... In another world.
Slowly I walked looking at my shoes as I walked noticing the other shoes around me when I felt someone run into my shoulder pushing me in to a wall. I looked up and looked at the guy in front of me to see a boy with red hair that was slightly shabby. But that was all I could see. I felt someone's hand grabbed my arm and pull me into a building. 
"Hey! Let me g- Oh, Lance." I said, annoyed. 
"Don't shout if you don't know you're in danger." He said.
I ignored him and looked around. The room was old fashion with a harp and piano in a cornor. Tables against the wall and spread out on the floor with the cash regertist sat by the door. This place was Banjul.
Tei stood at the counter and waved at us. Lance waled to a table in the couner. We both sat down and I looked out the window watching the people on the street.
"Haylee, are you alright?" Tei asked softly as he came to take our order.
"I'm fine." i replied and looked at him and Lance.
"Tei, we should wait for the others to get here."
"You're right." Tei replied. 
Soon the bell above the door rang and a boy with shortish longish blond hair with clips that made an x in his hair, a blue hoodie, and jeans walked in holding a girl's hand with (h/c) hair and a (f/c) t-shirt with jeans. Behind them was Red and (Nameless) who ran over to us. (Nameless) sat beside Lance and Red sat by me, keeping his distance from Lance.

The boy and girl sat beside each other at the table behind us. Red looked at the boy to me then back at the boy. "Haylee."

"Yes?" I asked him.

"Do you have a brother?" He asked and I looked out the window.

"I did." I did until he became an evil person and started to work for the enemy.

Lance glared at Red. "Idiot, don't ask about her personal life."

The bickering was about to begin. I looked up at Tei, who nodded at the war that was on its way. Just as they began to bicker the bell above the door rung and Tei went to the table behind us.

The people who can in was a man with raven black hair and dressed in a business suit. The girl with him had short hair and was dressed in a suit as well.  They walked over to the table with the other boy and girl.

The boy landed his face in his head and spoke, "Jumin, I told you that a suit wasn't need here."

The girl beside him giggled and watched Jumin and the brunette sit across from them.

"Yoosung, I only own suits, I've told you this."

"Rich kid." I mumbled under my breath, earning a glare from Lance.  'What?' I mouthed.

He shook his head and looked at the door.

With that, I began to listen in on the others conversation. "I think Zen and Seven will be here soon." The boy, Yoosung, said.

"Assistant Kang, you did send them the address, right?" Jumin asked one of the others.

A female voice answered, "yes, Mr.Han. I sent them the address twice. Once last night and once this morning,"

The other female voice spoke up. "Is V coming?"

"He went to visit his parents as well as Rika's..."

I froze. 'Rika? Could it be- No it can't be the same one. I think it's just a coincidence.' I thought.

"Haylee?" I heard Yuri's voice and looked in his direction and smiled.

"Yes Yuri?" I asked, pushing the thought back in my mind.

"Nothing." He replied, and went on, "well we're all here." This was followed by the sound of the bell above the door.

 I slowly turned my head and locked my purple eyes with gold ones.

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