Chapter Six: Midnight

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( (Y/n nameless)'s pov)

Haylee left before I could tell her about what the black haired and brown haired boys were talking about. It was like she didn't have a choice but to leave. She had been gone for almost a month. I didn't think I could last much longer if she kept not showing up.

They kept talking about her and some man that they wouldn't name. They called him her father and said he was a bad man, but not how bad he was. But Haylee seemed like she had never been affected by bad things. But then again she had scars on parts of her body but when I asked about them she said she'd never go back and change getting them because the reminded her of all the people she helped when she received them.

She was proud of her scars, she always had told me that. Now I'm not so sure.

(Yoosung's Pov)

"V WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I shouted, holding up the necklace to show him.

"What is it?" V asked, grabbing hold of the necklace.

"Something from Mint Eye. Why is it in Rika's box?"

V stared confused.  He didn't know what it was doing here. He doesn't know what Rika had.

"V, I'm gonna go. This is to much right now."

V nodded. "I should go inside as well."

I left.

( V's pov)

I walked inside to see Rika sitting on the couch. "Yoosung just left, but he didn't take anything, but he found this necklace." I said, holding it up.

"What is that? I never seen it before. What was it doing im my box for Yoosung."

I sighed and sat beside her. "I don't know,  Rika."

She got up and looked at me.  "I habe to go. Bye V." She walked out without saying a word.
(Third person- Younger Haylee)

"Kelsey hurry up! We're gonna be late!" The fifthteen year old brunette shouted up the stairs dressed in a blue uniform with black lines creating a blue on blue checkerboard pattern. She a bright hazel eyes and a big smile plastered on her face.

Then Haylee's eyes had not received the purple color they have now, nor was she as secretive and never lied. She was innocent but did have a dark past that three people knew about. 

Soon a blond and blue eyed girl dressed in the same uniform came down the stairs. "Sorry, I'm nervous. Okay. It's our first day of high school." She said crossing her arms.

Haylee nodded and leaned against the wall as another blond only with green eyes dressed in a purple unifom in the same style as the other two. 

"Ready?" Her voice was soft spoken and confident. 

"Of course!" The girls shouted happily and ran out the front door was if they were being chased.

(Seven's Pov)

"Work finished." I whispered softly and got up to look at the time. Midnight. "I should check on Haylee." I got up from my seat and made my way to the living room.

Haylee laid passed out on the mattress. She looked peaceful and not stessed like she seemed when i meant her. She must have a lot on her mind and let it pile up with out talking about. But that can't be it. When she saw Kage earlier and even told me about him fear and saddness took over her eyes.

I sat on the ground beside the matteress and watched her. She no longer seemed peaceful anymore.  Her face was a mixture of fear and calmness.

"What are you dreaming about?" I whispered softly.

She slowly began to open her eyes and looked at me. "S-seven?" She asked.

Before I could answer my phone began to ring. I took my phone put of my pocket to see who was calling this late.  It was Yoosung. I answered.

"Hello Yoosung, why are you calling this late? Shouldn't you be home with (Y/n mm)?"

"I was just at V's. Seven I saw a necklace with the mint eye symbol in the box of Rika's things."

"Whoa, calm down. What are you talking about? I've been to V's plenty of times and I never once saw a Mint Eye symbol." I said then glanced at Haylee who had her head tilted in confusion. 'RFA problems.' I mouthed.

 She gave me a nod and laid back down.

"Seven I don't think he knew about it! I think Mint Eye has been inside his house!" Yoosung said and hung up.

"That boy needs to calm down. Although he might not be wrong." I said to Haylee.

"I wouldn't know because I don't really know you guys."

I nodded at what she said. "Yeah, I'm shocked Jumin didn't make Jaehee take you home with her. "

"Why?" She asked softly. She was falling asleep again.

"Jumin is against having a man and women in the same house unless their married. It's actually annoying. He gave Yoosung a bunch of crap when (y/n mm) moved in with him."

When I looked over at her, she was passed out once again only this time with a fearful look on her face. Something told me not to wake her up.


Casey: 0-0 Short chapter.

Juien: Eddie...

Jihae: It didn't reach 1000 words like you wanted, miss.

Casey: Sadly no. But I like how it turned out.

Red: I think she has something big planned soon.

Casey: Jihae can you do the outro?

Jihae: Yes miss. Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed Chapter Six: Midnight. Please like, comment, and share. Good night/day everyone.

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