Chapter 8: Revealed Through Lyrics

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⚠⚠Spoilers of Yoosung's route good ending.  Well ending period. And of lance's route. Read with care.⚠⚠
((Y/n m)'s pov)

I watched Yoosung sleep on the bed, clearly distressed. I sat on his side of the bed and brushed back his hair. "Baby?" I whisper to him softly. He groaned in response. "Yoosung, honey wake up."

He opened up his eyelids to reveal his bright purple.  "Dear?" He whispered, as he reached for his glasses.

I grabbed the light gray frams off his stand and laid a few hand on his cheek causing him to look at me. "(Y/n mm)?" He asked softly.

"I got them." I said undoing the glasses from their rest position. "Sit up and I'll put them on you." He sat up and I placed the middle of the glasses on his nose.

"Now that that's handled," he said wrapping his arms loosely around my waist. "Good morning dear."

I giggled at him as we began our morning retutien. He kissed my forehead and then my lips. Smiling I kissed back.

"So my dear, what would you like to do tonight?" He asked me.

Quietly I thought to myself and got up off the bed and reached my hand out to him. "Let's stay home tonight." There was way to much going on. Suddenly I remembered that Yoosung went to V's house last night.

"Hey Yoosung?" I asked.

"Yes dear?" He replied.

"What happened at V's last night?" I asked the question. 

He looked at me with sad eyes. I knew then he didn't want to talk about it at all. Instead of making him talk I grabbed his hand an squeezed it. "It's alright you don't have to tell me."

Just as if it was on que the doorbell rang. I looked at Yoosung who looked as confused as I felt. I don't think that he was expecting anyone today as well. I stood up and took the robe off the edge of the bed and wrapped it around myself.

"Dear get dressed. I'll go see who it is." Yoosung spoke as he slid on a plain white t-shirt. He came over and kissed me softly.

"Alright." I whispered to him and headed to the closet.

(Yoosung's Pov)

I walked out of mine and (y/n mm)'s room towards the front door placing a hand on the walls as I walked for stability. Once I got to the door I looked through it's peep hole to see the top of V's and Jumin's heads.

I opened the door. "Morning Jumin, V. What brings you here so early in the morning?"

"We need to talk about the Mint Eye necklace you found in that box of Rika's things." V spoke.

"What about it?" I asked.

Jumin spoke first. "The necklace had the initials HAL craved into it."

"HAL?" I asked.

"Yes and the was a paper in the folds of the box. It stated that if the owner of the necklace had to go into hiding or died it was to go to Rika. The box also had papers on this girl."

"Papers on what girl?" (y/n mm) says, walking to the door.

"Honey, go sit on the couch. We'll come in and explain." I told her and watched her walk away.

I moved out of the doorway and let V and Jumin inside.  All of us walked into the living room in silence. (Y/n mm) sat on the couch, looking at the ground. I sat beside her. "Hun, you know how I went to V's last night?"

She gave me a small nod and looked up to reveal her confusion. "Well when I was looking through the box I found a necklace that had a mint eye symbol."

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