Chapter 7: I Could Be

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A/N: This is a flashback of Haylee's and from her point of veiw. And yes it's important, so you must read. Keep in mind this is Haylee's first day of high school still. By the way, this is going on in the place where she's from.

The rain pounded on to the classroom window, making the room seem down. Students of all hair colors laid their heads on the desk, blue uniforms wrinkling. The clicks of the teacher's heels tapped the ground that echoed in the room. The clock's long hand ticked loudly as I tapped my pencil on the paper sitting in front of me.

My pocket began to buzz and I looked up at the teacher. She was leaving the room, possibly to make a pass at another teacher, I kept my eye on her. As soon as she left the room I brought the small black slider phone out of my pocket.

One new message. 

I blinked and hit ok.

Are you ready to play a game, miss?

I exited out of the text and put the phone up. For the past month I had been receiving strange texts and calls. All of them about some game.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around to see a blond with blue eyes. Kelesy.

"You alright?" She asked me with concern in her eyes.

I nodded and gave her a smile. "No problems for me." I lied.

"Alright, I hope you tell me when something bad happens."

I walked the empty hallways while looking down at my feet. The texts and calls had gotten wrose and kept saying I was like my father. A man I only meant once on a accident.  I wasn't even sure what  the person was talking about.

My father was defiantly a man of mysteries but from what I heard he never did anything bad.

I continued to walk the halls when I ran into someone. I looked up to see a redheaded boy with blue eyes. He was dressed in a blue uniform similar to mine.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said to the boy standing in front of me. 'Please don't recognize  me.' I silently begged.

He glanced at me and looked me up and down. "You should pay attention to your surrounding, the next person may not be so nice."

I gave him a nod and smiled. 'He doesn't know who I am. I should introduce myself.' I held my hand out. "I'm Haylee Logan."

He smiled and took my hand with his and shook it. "The name's -"

Before he could tell me a familiar voice interrupted us. "Haylee!"

I groaned and turned around to see the blond girl with green eyes that  was dressed in a purple uniform with the same design as mine and the boy's. "Hi Rika." I mumbled and slightly waved to her. 

She smiled and walked over to the boy. "Hello, I'm Rika."

'Don't tell him, please.' I thought.

"Hello Rika, my name is Nathan."

She smiled at him and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. 'She's going to do it, now.'

"I'm so glad my friend has meant someone with a pretty name. But you should go it looks like someone is waiting for you." She said.

I looked to where she was looking another red head was standing looking at us. Nathan looked behind him and sighed. "That's my twin brother, Noah." He said and  turned  back and looked at me. "I should go. See you tomorrow Haylee."

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