Chapter 4: No One Stays

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(Yoosung's Pov)

I hung up the phone with Seven and at everyone at the table. They were all chatting about the party two years ago. (Y/n mm) was the first to notice I was off the phone.

"Honey, what's wrong?" She asked in a soft voice.

"Seven and Zen can't make it. Seven said something came up." I explained.

Jumin sighed and looked at me. "What else?"

"He wants us to go to his house."

"It's ovibously not work." Jaehee said and I nodded, taking (Y/n mm)'s hand.

"Let's go see what's up." I said and got up to leave. Everyone followed me out after paying.

'Seven, what the hell did you do?'

(Seven's Pov)

The girl laid motionless on the mattress Zen laid on the ground. The once white bandages were dredged in blood.  Zen sat on the floor by the mattress checking her pulse.

"Seven, it's steady." He said, and got up off the ground.

"Good, go and see if the others are here yet."

He nodded and left the room. I sat beside her and started to take the bandages off her wound and replaced it with new ones. She had to be at the wrong place at the wrong time right? What did the guy say to her? Better yet, who is she? Where's her family? Does she even have anyone?

Questions raced through my head and footsteps entered the room. "Stay quiet."

"Luciel, what is this?" Jumin asked, concerned.
"A guy stabbed her in the alley when I was looking for a way to get Zen to the café so none of his fans saw him and saw it." I explained. 
"She seems like the girl from the Café." Jaehee said, looking at the girl on the mattress.  "Did anyone catch what they called her?"
Yoosung sighed, "they called her Haylee."
Jumin nodded. "She seems like a sweet girl. She must have been in the wrong place at the wrong time."
I groaned at him and brushed the hair our of her face. That was when I saw the silver chain around her neck. But I wasn't able to focus on it.
"Seven you should have took her to the hospital." Jumin said, walking close to her.
"Get back now, Jumin." I said. "Something about her seems off."

"Luciel, What are you talking about?" That wasn't Jumin. It sounded like V.

I turned my head slowly to see the blue haired man with sunglasses and a cane. He was dressed in a black shirt and pants along with a to long gray jacket. "V!" Everyone but me shouted.

"Guys shhh." I said, pointing to the girl we assumed was called Haylee.

"What happened?" V asked, slightly tilting his head.

"Seven saw a girl get stabbed and instead of taking her to the hospital, he brought her here." Zen explained and sat down on the couch.

"I see." V said.

I sighed and looked around the room. Jumin was staring at her.

"Jumin?" I asked.

"I saw her before the café today. She was at the first RFA party." Jumin said.

"What? She can't be any older than (Y/n mm), Zen, Seven and I." Yoosung said.

He wasn't wrong. Jumin nodded. "The name is what made me think it. At our first party, Rika invited a girl named Haylee. She was seventeen at the time. I remember because she almost ran into me while I was holding Elizabeth 3rd.  Rika came over before I said a word to her. She seemed to know Haylee very well and even pulled her and another girl to the side."

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