Chapter 2

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(ben's POV)

This is going to be a challenge.

I have ZERO idea how the fuck im supposed to even go about doing this. I paced around the shop with Kid looking at me like i was crazy, i was biting my nails too, something i never do. "You look seriously messed up dude." "Yeah i mean, Link wants me to prove how much i love him without getting revenge. its driving me insane!" "i understand, just calm down ben" "yeah thats not going to happen anytime soon."

he sighed and turned around, picking up a box from the floor and carrying it over to the counter. He set it down and looked at me again, leaning back on the counter. "I dont know what to tell you ben, hes right, you need to do this alone. I can help you a bit but other than that, you need to do this yourself."

it was dark outside and the mask shop had closed over three hours ago. kid was just finishing up some things before we left. "ow!" ii yelped as i accidentally pulled some of the nail off the skin. "Maybe you shouldn't bite your nails then." "I cant fucking help it! Im freaking out!" "maybe you could think straight if you calmed down."

I took a deep breath and relaxed myself slightly. "i need to call him" "ben, hes probably sleeping, its 10pm" "i... fine, im at least leaving him a text." "whatever" he walked to the back of the shop and i unlocked my phone. My home screen popped up and i scrolled over to a page that was somewhat blank to look at it. It was Link giving my bunny ears and kissing my cheek. i smiled at it and my smile quickly faded as i realized, thats all but a distant memory.

I had an idea to get link back but it was risky, It probably wasnt going to work and id have to wait till the morning to Do it as well, for visiting hours are most defiantly over by now.

Kid came back out and tossed his key up in the air. "ready?" "yeah" i put my phone in my boot, i just kinda carry it like that now, and forgot about sending the text, it might ruin my plan. "you seem calm" he said, as we stepped out of the shop. "yeah, i think i have an idea" "really?" "yeah, but i dont know, it could easily backfire in my face" he cocked his head at me. "dont worry about it, im still thinking about it" "okay" He pulled the key out of the door after locking it and put his keys in his pocket.

"can we take the long way home?" i asked. "sure" we started walking and MS handed me a cig. "okay?" I said, taking it. "you look like you need one" he said, lighting his own then handing me the lighter. I lit mine and handed the lighter back to him. "it i were to say, purposely put myself in danger so link would come and save me, you think he'd take me back?" "well if he found out you did it on purpose probably not, why?" he stopped walking. "ben... what are you planning?" "nothing i was only wondering." I said, before taking a drag from the cigarette. "just dont do anything stupid ben...."

We just walked in silence then. I dont know when he joined us, but at some point, D.L. started walking with us. "remind me again why you're following us?" "i told you, just wanted to chillax with my bro's" "we're not your 'bros'" "haha, clearly, no but actually i need to talk to you" he said, turning towards me. "about what?" "Something..." he smirked. "okay fine, Kid, tell MS ill be home later." "fine" He walked away from me and DL and then DL laughed slightly. "What?" "nothing, just you wont be going home any time soon ben"


Sorry this chapter is so short! I promise promise PROMISE the next one will be longer.

You guys are seriously going to hate me for what DL's going to do to ben...

Uh.. 'nuff said... see you in the next chappy!

Peace out guys!

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