Chapter 10

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(Ben's POV)

The morning of the next day, I was released. i was apparently stable enough to go home. Wow, that came of as a surprise to me considering i sat up all night trying to claw myself to death in fear of going home. To be honest, id much rather stay here then go home and face MS and that bitch rose.

I was escorted home by an official. "you stay out of trouble" "I know" he glared at me then left. "have a nice Day ben" he said over his shoulder. "you too..." i sighed. I went in and was surprised to see Link and MS talking, and... being nice to eachother. "Welcome ben" Kid said. I didnt respon, instead, i glared then went to my room to change. "Im taking a shower" i declared, then went into the bathroom and locked the door.

I got the stupid dry blood off me and then spent a majority of the time just standing there. Wishing i wasn't here. i really didnt want to talk to anyone at the moment. I finally sighed and turned off the water. I got out and dried off. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked sleep deprived and there was a sense of alarm in my eyes.

I knew that was most likely never going to go away. that little glint of fear.

I got dressed and brushed my teeth.

When i looked up, i nearly scremed. D.L. was behind me smirking. I closed my eyes and when i opened them, he was gone. Was this all just a part of my newly acquired insanity? I didnt even care. I left the bathroom and Walked out to the others. MS looked over at me and sighed. I wanted to turn back and go to my room. I was about to when he stopped me. "Ben wait, we need to talk" i took a deep breath and walked over to him. "wanna put me in a straight jacket first so i dont kill you?" "ben dont start this" I rolled me eyes. "ben seriously, just listen please?" I rolled my eyes again and then went to my room.

(Link's POV)

"FINE! I give up! link you tell him!" he said, getting up and walking out of the house. I went to his bedroom door. "ben?" i asked, tapping on the door lightly. "go away" he sounded pissed. "fine... Ill be out here when you want to talk" "whatever" "love you?" he didnt say anything back and i sighed. its going to be a challenge coping with the new ben but there is no way im going to give up on him.

I sighed and sat at the bar across from kid. "you want one?" he offered, holding the bottle out to me "eh, what the hell" I've only ever tried beer once. i mean, it wasnt the best but, i didnt really care. I popped open the top and took a sip of the bitter liquid, then sat it on the countertop. It was really a kick in the face at first. "not the biggest fan i see?" "meh, not really, but i can cope" "okay"

a door slammed shut and we looked over at ben's room. he walked over to us and sat next to me. "i love you too" he said, putting his head down and sighing. "I cant do this" "benny, its gonna be okay" "no, i cant live with insanity!" he folded his arms and lifted his head slightly, then set it back down on top of his arms.

I hugged him. he looked up at me and i could see the sadness in his eyes. it must be hell for him right now...

He sat up and pulled me into a real hug. "please dont ever let go, i feel safe here" "i wont, its okay boo" I stroked the back of his head lightly and he continued to hug me. Kid smiled at us and only i saw it. "can we go in my room?" ben whispered. "sure boo" He pulled away and took my hand and then led me to his room. he laid on his bed and i laid next to him. "how's your arm link?" "its fine benny, i promise it is" "thats good" He smiled.

"you seem calm" "cause your here, i dont feel this constant anger and fear when im with you" I smiled. "hey ben, whats it like?" "what is what like?" "a prison cell" "well, in the cell i was in, it was silent.... And, i kinda just laid there the whole time because there were cameras in like, every corner of the stupid room so...yeah..." "oh" "what was your first reaction when you found out that i got arrested?" "i was... shocked at first i mean, Kid made it seem like you murdered someone. er... i guess at first i was thinking like 'omg i didnt think hed actually ever kill someone' cause, i know you really werent built for getting along with too easily, if that even made sense" "it did, the first thing i thought when i snapped out of my crazy mood, was that i thought you would be pissed off at me because, hello, who wants to date a stupid convict"

he sighed and snuggled into me. "i do ben... because i love you, and MS told me the truth." "about what?" "that he truly is fine with you and i being together, but rose was the reason he tried to drive us apart. Rose is homophobic, thats why he acted that way." "and?" "he kicked rose out." "seriously?" "yeah he did, he got sick of the way she was acting and now he feels guilty because he is basically the one who got you sent to prison in the first place. hes the one who drove you insane and he feels as though he should have been the one that was there instead of you"

I paused a moment so ben could take all of the new information in. "he wants to talk to you about it at some point" "okay..." I kissed his cheek and he smiled. "awww come on, that all i get?" he teased. i chuckled then kissed him full on the lips. he changed positions so he was now leaning over me and deepened the kiss.

"Stay here tonight please?" he whispered, pulling away for a second. "alright"


I hve a super secret idea that you fangirls are most likly going to love, its not going to be in this book though. I already have an idea for the fifth book. its going to be called "church bells" and theres a reason for that. ;)


see you in the next chapter!

peace out guys!

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