Chapter 9

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(Link's POV)

Kid came to my house and he looked slightly panicked when i opened the door. He came in and sat on my couch. "oh dear fucking jesus" "what?" "Oh my god oh my god OH MY GOD" he said, getting up and pacing. "hey, you going to tell me what the Hell is going on?!" he stopped pacing and put his hands on my forearms.

"Bens in a holding cell. I have no idea what happened. MS looks like he just saw a ghost and apparently ben is being accused of murder" "im sorry, what now?" okay, this was more than just a shock. "Wait, were is he?" "ill take you, i was planning on going to see him but we cant go now because he's being questioned." "okay"

The initial shock of this was enough to make me have to sit down. my head spun slightly as i tried to process all of this. So ben got arrested huh? Wow.

(Ben's POV)

questioning was one of the most exhausting things i have ever been through in my life. I was hooked up to a lie dector... Wow... Fear is what made me answer with the truth and it was dam hard to prove to them that the blood was from my eyes. I finally convinced them to try turning off the lights and thats when my eyes faded out.

He turned the lights on again after seeing the red and saw the blood that was now running down my cheeks. I blinked a few times and My eyes returned to normal.

The results came out as all positive and that i wasnt lying but they'd need to keep me over night to see rather MS would press charges for nearly clawing his face off. They even did some sort of check on my teeth because they didnt believe that they were my natural teeth. They thought i had filed them down but noticed they were 100% natural.

They finally finished the stupid exam things on me and put me back in the holding cell. I went right back to the same closed up position i was previously in before questioning and put my head down.

The officer called someone on the phone sitting on the desk that was parallel to the cell though i wasnt paying attention.

I wish i had been cause apparently he was on the phone with Kid. The ONE face i didnt want to see the most walked in the room and came up to the cell. I hugged my knees tighter to my chest and refused to look at him. Kid and the officer left the room to o talk and to give me and Link privatcy. "ben tell me what happened." I didnt answer him.

I stayed silent and felt like crying again. "ben... Im not mad at you... please tell me what happened" "I dont know what happened, Jackson brought felix back for good and he kissed me, then i ran and broke down. Every single fucking memory came back to me from every fucking thing that happened in the past and all i could hear mixed with the voices in my head was D.L.'s Stupid fucking laughter! I dont know what happened after that! I snapped at MS and i guess someone called the authorities cause now im fucking here" "by snapped do you mean your sanity?" "No really?" I was loosing my temper again.

"just, give me a second, sorry im like, i cant fucking control myself anymore." Link stayed silent and i took a deep breath, then Sat up right and went over to link. "I was accused of murder and i can see why now, I couldnt stop crying.. i wanted you there with me i was so fucking afraid of everything." I wrapped my hands on the bars and Link put his over mine.

"love makes you do really stupid things..." i whispered, leaning my head on the bars. he didnt say anything, istead, he ran his thumb over my hand. this simple gesture calmed me down. "am i really good enough for you link? Im nothing but a juvenile brat who has yet to just fucking grow up" "Ben, dont say that, listen, i dont care what you are, i dont care if you actually did murder someone, ben, i will NEVER stop loving you"

"they're keeping me overnight to see if MS is going to press charges against me... I wouldnt blame him if he did, i came close to actually hurting him..." "Why?" "i dont know.. i really dont know, my anger towards him just kinda broke free. I said what needed to be said though, i mean, i dont know if that just pissed him off more that i actually stood my ground for once."

The silence that filled the room was painful, knowing Link had nothing to say. "im not stable link.... im not safe anymore" "i dont care" "Link..." "No, ben stop i have been through hell, I have looked death in the eyes. Insanity is nothing compared to that. I can handle it and i know for a fact that i refuse to let you go." "but link... i could hurt you" "i dont care. I DONT. ben I have never loved anyone so much in my life. I have never felt this way about someone before. I've never been able to tell someone i loved them and meant it. you are everything to me and i wont let that go. I love you Ben, and nothing is ever going to change my mind."

I was speachless. "Link... I... I love you too..." our moment was ruined when Kid and The officer walked back in the room. For the first time since he got here, i met links eyes. He looked sad. "Good News boy, You're not getting charged, but we are going to keep you here for a night in our special room to monitor you" "okay..." "its getting late so visiting hours are over. Wrap it up okay?" I looked over at link.

"is it possible to kiss someone through cell bars?" i found myself asking. "i dont know, i've never tried." "theres a first for everything." Suprisingly, it worked. Link and i shared a small kiss before he left. When they left, the officer opened the cell and the annoying as hell cuffs were put back on my hands. He led me out of the room and Kid was talking to someone so link was still here, i caught his eye for a moment but then looked away quickly.

he led me to a room, it was completely covered in Some sort of spongy whatever and there was a bed, sink and a toilet. Thats it. SO his is what its like to be in one of those rooms for psychos huh? He unlocked my cuffs. "dont try anything stupid, we can see it" I nodded and he left. the door clicked shut and i heard his keys jangle as he locked it. I sat on the bed and laid back. Perfect, im spending a night in prison.

(Link's POV)

Seeing him in cuffs sorta broke my heart a little. Kid finished up talking to the man who obviously recognized me. "Link right?" "yeah" "hey, im glad i can finally get a chance to thank you for all the things you do to protect our land. You're a good kid" "thanks" "see you around" "yeah" he smiled at me and i smiled back politly.

"you should get home" "okay" "night link" "night" We parted ways and i went back to my house.

(Kid's POV)

I walked into the mask shop and MS was hunched over the desk, looking slightly defeated and annoyed. "he could have killed you MS!" "yeah well he didnt, he had a good fucking point!" "MS, how the hell can you tolerate a boy like him?!" "Dear god woman, you need to shut up. Sorry things arent going the way you want them too, I can make my own fucking choices too!" She huffed. "And you know what rose? Im getting pissed off with you. You yell at me for EVERY fucking thing i do, so you know what? IM fucking done with being your toy. You can get your shit out of my house and leave." "Gladly!" she said, slamming the ring down on the counter."
She shoved past me and MS put the ring in his pocket.

"i cant believe i was so fucking blind" he said to me. "what do you mean?" "Shes been using me this whole time. I really would be fine with Ben and Link being together but she managed to convince me otherwise. She's always making choices for me." "oh... also... why didnt you press charges against ben?" "because, he had a point, his outburst was from all the pressure i've been putting on him. I literally drove him insane. He made a really god point what he said to me." "oh" "he doesnt deserve all the shit i've put him through."

"Im glad you finally see that MS... its gonna be a challenge convincing him of that though" "I feel so wrong for getting in his personal life, but it was rose who forced me to do it. I dont know why i listened to her. Love is blind i guess." "yeah..."

"im glad i can finally tell them im sorry and mean it..." "yeah, but like i said, its not going to be easy to earn back forgiveness." "i know. but ill deal with that on my own. I know what i did wrong and im going to stop acting like i didnt do a damn thing to him. Everything hes gone through is because of me" he took a breath.

"dont tell me it not, dont defend me because if anything, i should be the one in that cell, not ben..."


Just happened....


at least MS finally realized what he did wrong.


See you in the next update...

Peace out guys...

*goes to contemplate what just happened int his chapter*

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