Chapter 11

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Im getting glasses today well, im getting my eyes checked. im almost 99.99% sure im going to need glasses.

If i do need them, i only get to pick out the frames today

I dont get the actual glasses until like, 10 days after lol.

once i get them though, expect less typos. My eyes see slightly blurry so thats why i screw up in my typing on occasion. :P

anywho, you probably dont care about any of that, lets just get on with the chapter shall we?

also, 'Illest' byFar East movement is an awesome song and you should go listen to it now with high bass level headphones like, right now. lol


(Ben's POV)

So, its the next day and MS explained everything and i felt slightly at ease with everything but there was a new hatred towards him for doing all if that. If he knew it was wrong he should have ended it before it was too late. I was now laying on my bed, steaming slightly. Link was pacing and he looked nervous.

"you okay?" he stopped and looked over at me. "yeah i just have something i wanna tell you" "okay, whats up?" "well i dont wanna ruin your mood anymore than it already is." "what do you mean?" "uhg, fine ill tell you, tomorrow im starting school. i mean, theres only like, three fourths of the year left and tomorrow marks the start of the second marking period." "you're starting school?" "yeah..." he sighed.

"what time does school start?" "its from 6:30am-3:00pm everyday" "aww" "ill come over after school everyday, i promise" "fine" he sat next to me on the bed and kissed me. "i have to go do some things to get ready, sarah's coming over, do you want to come?" "nah, ill stay here. Ill see you tomorrow?" "yeah, ill text you okay?" "Okay"

he kissed me again and then left.

(Link's POV)

MS stopped me on my way out. "hey can i ask you something really quickly?" "sure, whats up?" "do you and ben ever plan on getting married?" "uh, we've actually never talked about marriage but thats certainly something i should bring up with him. why?" "just wondering, i was randomly thinking about it and just thought i should ask" "oh, okay, well, i have to get going so..." "alright, bye link" "bye"

I left. Ive never actually thought of marriage before. I wonder if ben would be up for that sort of commitment after all we've been through. I mean, i dont even know if either of us could work up the nerve to actually pop the question. If anything, id assume it would be me asking him. i dont know.

Sarah was at my house already and she was tapping her fingers across her phone screen. her hair was pulled up in a pony tail. "how come you never bring your sisters anymore?" i asked her. she jumped. "fuck you" she said, holding her chest. I chuckled a little. "they have boyfriends so they're always hanging out with them" "oh" "as for i am still single though there is this boy at my school that i have a small crush on" she said, giggling slightly. "anywho, so you're going to school huh?" "yeah" "awesome, come with me, we're going on a school shopping spree" "oh god" "oh, and i think we should stop by and pick up zelda, she wanted to come too, i talked to her last night" "fine, but if you girls try to get me to buy anything pink, im out" "awww, you're no fun, can we get you one pink thing?" "no" "pleeeeease?" "like what?" "um... how about some pink magnets for your locker?" I glared at her. "fine, if not something pink, can we at least get you something glittery???" "ill think about it"

(Ben's POV)

I was bored out of my mind since link had left. my head hurt, like always, and i got up and left my room in search of something to fix it. MS and kid were talking about something and i went over and sat at one of the bar stools. They were drinking too. "hey ben" MS said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "have you ever thought about trees and how, since they are technically alive, did you ever ask yourself if there were boy trees and girl trees?" he said, slightly slurred. "uh... No" "just think about it, if a tree had a..." "I dont wanna hear it"

Kid was laughing to himself. It was unbelievable how easily these two got drunk. I walked into the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet, pulled out a bottle of tylenol, poured two out into my hand, then walked back into the kitchen. I ignored Kid and MS's slurred bullshit and got a glass of water, then took the pills. one thing happened to catch my attention though.

I set the glass down and walked over to them. "wait, what did you just say?" I asked. "i said... Wait, what did i just say? Oh right, i said something about a weddin or something?" he said, then laughed. Kid laughed too. I didnt see what about that they found funny. I rolled my eyes at the two drunk idiots in front of me and went to my room.

MS said something along the lines of 'I wonder what it would be like if Link and ben were married' or something like that. I mean, they were talking about how MS almost married Rose, so its not like it was just random. Now that i think about it, i wonder what it would be like if me and link were married. I smiled to myself.

he would be an awesome husband, i bet. Im just afraid that once we make a commitment like that, it's all going to come crashing down. Doesn't that always happen when me and him are finally happy again? I fell back on my bed in defeat and and just laid there. My phone went off and the annoying chime ringtone went off. I really need to change that. I grabbed it off the nightstand and hit accept without looking at the caller ID.

"Random Question" he said, as soon as i picked up. "well hello to you too" i joked. "Sorry, Zelda wanted to ask you something" i heard Zelda in the background asking him 'what' in a complaining tone and then Link beckoned her to shut up. "link im not asking... uhg fine" Link chuckled and Zelda's voice filled my ears. "Silver or gold?" she asked. "uh... randomest question ever much?" "Shut up and answer it" "silver..." "okay" She obviously had handed the phone to Link again.

(Link's POV)

"here, take your boyfriend back" She said, handing me the phone. I took it and when i put it up to my ear, ben was laughing. ""dont mind her, shes PMSing" She stepped on my foot for saying that. "Ow!" "what happened" "i pissed off the bitch" "Ill do it again link" "okay okay sorry" Ben chuckled. "So why did you wanna know that?" "just wondering" "okay then" "hey, i gotta go, The girls are literally dragging me to different stores" I wasnt kidding, sarah had her arm linked around mine and zelda was ahead looking at stuff in the displays in the window. "alright" "love you" "love you too" We hung up.

"how did school shopping turn to shopping for dresses?" "I dont know but look how pretty this one is!" The girls both squealed and I thought of if i should really even consider buying a ring. I mean, I feel like i should talk to ben about commitment before i go about buying a ring.

For the hell of it, after the girls dragged me to about four million different dress shops, we stopped by a jewelry store to look at rings. yeah, i had already explained to them my idea and they thought it was adorable. "omg link this one is so cool!" Zelda said, pointing to one of the rings. I went over and looked at it. "wow... that is cool" "are you getting one today?" Sarah asked. "I dont know, i feel like i wanna talk to ben about it first." "you should call him!" "id rather talk to him face to face Z" "uhg, fine. but we're going with you when you actually get one." "if Z not when. Like i said, i dont know for sure if im going to do this" "uhg, you suck link" she complained. "yes, yes i do" i said, smirking. "ew, omg link gross!" I laughed. "you walked right into that one Z" "he has a point Zelda, you did" "uhg, shut up" she said, before we all started laughing.

(Ben's POV)

I smiled to myself and had one thought. 'My boyfriend is crazy' I could have used insane but... um... Lets just not talk about insanity shall we? I ended up sitting there thinking about what it would be like if link and i were to ever get married.

I smiled as i got lost in thought.


I might end this one on 12 chapters + an epilogue cause i feel as though its starting to escalate into the next book.

This chapter basically described what the next book is going to be about.

The epilogue is sure to make you fangirls die from squealing.

I dont know, i think maybe i will go to the original 15 chapters + and epilouge, like in every book, but we'll see.

See you in the next chapter!

Peace out guys!

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