Chapter 5 - Skyline.

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Clementine's POV: I woke up to the tall walls of Litchfield, my harsh reality striking me again. However, today was different. I knew it was going to be a bad day by the ache in my chest and the overwhelming desire to sit in bed with a bottle of vodka and a quarter pounder from McDonald's. My depression was hitting me like a tidal wave today. It happens every few weeks. I mean don't get me wrong everyday its hard to get out of bed but today was especially soul crushing. "Morning Inmates, breakfast in 30." I heard over the intercom. I groaned and put my pillow over my face. I must've  fallen asleep again cause I woke up to Nicky shaking me "Clementine, rise and shine." She said. "No..." I replied. "Are you skipping breakfast? I can't imagine what you must be like after skipping breakfast.." She remarked. "Fine. You're right." I admit. I sluggishly get out of my bed and pull my boots on. "What's up with you? You're not very perky." Nicky said. "What? Cause I'm normally so ready to spend my days in a prison mopping floors and eating mystery food?" I remarked. "Well no, but I don't know you're different." She said. I ignored her and walked out of the dorms. 

I heard the chatter of all the inmates and wondered how they could be in the mood to talk before remembering I was doing the same thing yesterday. Today's breakfast was eggs and toast with a fruit cup.  As soon as I sat down Nicky sat next to me. "I'm not gonna let go of this, what's up? What's wrong?" She asked. "Since when do you pry?" I asked. "Since...Well never really. But I care for some reason and I'm used to getting what I want." She remarked. "Oh! Is that how you ended up here?" I asked. She frowned and pushed my shoulder playfully. "Now what's up?" She persisted. "I've been depressed since I was twelve. Normally it's pretty mild but then every few weeks it just hits me like a tidal wave okay?" I admitted. She held her hands up in surrender. "Thank you." I said sarcastically. "So when you weren't in'd you help yourself with this?" She asked. "I'd normally play my ukulele and sing songs all day." "Well you can still do that here." "No way. People would hear, I have a terrible voice." I admitted. "I bet that's not true. How bout this, after work we'll go back to your bunk and you can serenade me?" "Not gonna happen, Nicky." I said with a grin. "What did I tell you?" She asked. Then she whispered in my ear while her hand was on my thigh "I have ways of getting what I want." She squeezed my thigh and I shivered. God, why does she have so much control over me? Before I could respond she had already left the cafeteria. The CO at the door told her to stop but as usual Nicky doesn't give a fuck.  Soon I left too and was off to do some cleaning...

Mopping the floors is tedious. It feels as though it will never end. Soon I start to sing a song I used to love by "He is We" called "Pardon me" "Mean it truly, sincere heart. Why do you do this to me? Tear me apart..". The acoustics in this bathroom were too great to resist. "I knew you couldn't be that bad..." I heard from the other side of the wall. Nicky. "There is nothing electrical in here, what are you doing in here?" I asked. My cheeks were as red as apples and I was completely embarrassed. "I don't know...people sing in the shower. I assumed if you'd sing anywhere it'd be here." She admitted. "Well aren't you a little sherlock. I barely sang a note anyway..." I said looking down at my shoes.  "Yea well it was enough to know you don't sound terrible. What other talents you got, Clementine?" "Well I took acting classes in high school, as well as voice lessons, I'm a writer, and I'm also great at being mentally fucked up." I remarked. "You're in a prison for god sakes how bad can your mind me?" "touche" I replied.  Soon the bathroom was clean and I could finally leave. When I signed up for this I though just cleaning the bathroom wouldn't be that bad, but let me tell you, these girls are nasty little shits. 

I walked back to my bunk and laid down on the bed. I grabbed a notepad and a pencil and I started writing a story about what I'd do if I was out of here. "Writing something splendid, Shakespeare?" Nicky asked. "God, you are a stalker." I replied. She blushed. What was that about? "Are you gonna sing me something else or what?" She asked. She sat down on Boo's bed. "No. I don't do the whole crowd thing." "Sing a song that reminds you of yourself." She replied. "If I do will you stop asking me to sing anything else?" I asked. "Sure, promise." She replied. "Alright." I say in defeat. I begin thinking about which angle I should work for the whole 'myself' thing. I could sing about what it was like for me to be in love? Or about my fucked up past? Or about how I feel in here? I decide to blend them all up into one with the song "All of the Stars" by Ed Sheeran. "It's just another night, and I'm staring at the moon. I saw a shooting star, and I thought of you. I sang a lullaby, by the waterside and knew, if you were here I'd sing to you. Here on the other side, as the skyline splits in two. Miles away from seeing you. I can see the stars from America. I wonder do you see them too..." I sang. "There, happy?" I asked. She was grinning at me "Yes very much so. But that song is about someone else, not you." She replied. "Well yeah. But it's about how I feel being in here." I replied. "Who is on the other side of the skyline?" She asked. "Renee." I replied a little too quickly. "I see. I'm glad I don't know what that feels like. The whole 'I love you, you don't love me' thing." Nicky says "Don't you? With Morello?" I ask. "Ha! No, no way." Nicky replied. "I see how you look at her." I say. "Like a friend?" Nicky says in denial. "It's the same way I look at you." I say. I regretted saying that.  "Oh." Nicky replied. 

"Look, I'm not in love with you or anything. I really like you, Nicky." I admitted. Nicky got up of Boo's bed and sat next to me. I laid my head on her shoulder. "I know I don't know a lot about you. But it's hard not to fall. I'm already the Princess of Loyalty and Mercy." I said. Nicky did one of those breathy laughs that you make after texting your best friend the words "LOL.". "I don't know its just odd that you care so much if you don't-" I was cut off by Nicky's lips. I pulled away. "Nicky if you're not into me, I don't know if kissing me is a good idea." I said sadly. "Well, then it's a good thing I am." She said. "Wh-sorry?" I asked. Nicky kissed me again and I smiled through it. I leaned back on the bed and pulled Nicky on top of me. Then almost without realizing it, I flipped on top of her. I interlocked our fingers and held her hand above her head. I pulled off her shirt as well as the white shirt underneath and saw a long pink/blue scar in between her breasts. "I-I didn't notice that before." I said. "I'm not surprised. You were way too in the moment. It was dark too." She said. "Where-" "Heart surgery, bacterial infection." She said. I gazed at it for a second longer and then took off her bra. I kissed each of her breasts and then began to kiss down her stomach until I got to her waist. I pulled off her pants and underwear and it wasn't until then that I realized I'd never done this before. "So like, I've never done this before." I admitted. "No shit?" She replied. I nodded. "Walk me through it?" I asked. "I live to teach the young...that came out wrong." She laughed. I went for it. I decided to just stay safe and lick her entire labia. I've gotta touch something good, right?" "Alright try getting the clit more." I lightly lick her clitoris "Oh! Yea that's the ticket." Nicky said. I decided to play it safe and keep doing what I was doing "Ah! Yeah.....shit..." I tasted the sweet cum that came out of her. I used to think that it probably wouldn't taste great but it wasn't bad. "Not bad, Clementine." She admits. "My turn." I say with a grin. 

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