Chapter 36 - A Solemn Promise.

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Clementine's POV: I woke up with a smile on my face. It's my wedding day! I know that I'm not legally married today, but this wedding is just as important as any. I had my vows ready. I looked over them to make sure I had everything right

Nicky, You are the love of my life. If you would've told 12-year-old me who was picturing her perfect husband that I'd be at Litchfield, having this makeshift wedding with you. I'd never believe you. But, now that I'm here, standing in front of our family and you, I am so happy. I've been married to you in my heart for a while. Although we've definitely had some bumps in the road, from here on out I want to go through every bump with you by my side. When I was young, I was talking to my older sister Quinn about what I wanted in a spouse. I said I wanted the kind of love that needs no words. I feel that with you, all of what I'm saying is just words and although I mean every one of them I can never explain just how in love I am with you. And the best part of all of this is, I know you are too.

I smiled. It was perfect. Everything I've ever wanted to say to Nicky on one page. 

I sat the page under my pillow and walked over to Nicky's bunk. 

"Happy wedding day." I said. 

"You too." She said with a grin.

  I walked back over to my bunk and put my hair in a french braid. I put my uniform on and remembered I had to work today after breakfast.

I walked into the cafeteria and saw that I was late. Everyone was already sitting down. Once I got my food I sat down with the group. 

"Well, look who decided to join us." Vause teased. 

"Well, I thought about ditching you but the COs didn't like that idea." I joked. 

"So, is everything in order wedding wise?" Lorna asked. 

"Well, Lorna, you're my wedding planner..." I said. She smiled. 

"I know I just wanted to talk about it. I convinced Mr. Caputo to let us use the common room again for your birthday, coincidentally it was my birthday yesterday so that's why we need it twice." She said. 

"Oh, happy late birthday!" I said. Everyone laughed.

 "What?" I asked. 

"It wasn't actually her birthday, Clementine. That's just what she told Caputo." Vause explained. 

"Ohh!" I said. 

Everyone smiled and Nicky patted my head jokingly. 

I was wiping the mirrors of the C Dorm bathroom when I heard someone walk in. 

"Sarah?" I heard. 

My mouth dropped to a frown. I saw Renee standing behind me in the mirror. 

"It's Clementine." I corrected. 

"No, it's not." She said desperately. 

"What do you want, Renee?" I said as I walked to the showers to wipe them down. 

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