Chapter 23 - Penguins.

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Clementine's POV: I sat in my cube in utter shock. I had no idea Nicky felt that way. I feel like I had mentioned the whole boyfriend thing before, maybe I hadn't? I'm not sure. But, it doesn't matter anyway! Who in this day and age thinks bisexuality isn't a thing? And why after years of denying gay people the right of acknowledging their existence would those same people deny bisexuals their existence? They know how that feels, how could they make us feel that way? I had to work.

I was cleaning the A Dorm showers and I heard a girl come in. "Who's there?" I asked. 

"A black girl, cause this is the black girl's bathroom." I heard.

 "I'll be out of your hair soon, I'm cleaning. Besides some black girls sound like me, don't be racist. I heard nothing. I looked up from the shower floor to see the girl. She had a shaved head and the frame of a twelve-year-old.

 "I'm Clementine." I said. I was a little intimated because this was her bathroom, but she seemed nice.

"Poussey." She replied.. I looked at her confused. 

"It's french." She said. I nodded and went back to cleaning. I didn't feel like talking. 

"What's up with you?" She asked.

 "Maybe I just don't feel like talking to people who get offended when I go into their bathroom." I said. 

"Welcome to prison." She said with sass. I sighed. 

"No, I'm sorry. That's not why I'm upset. Though as someone who hates all forms of discrimination, the racism in this prison has bothered me for a while." I said. She laughed. 

"I'm serious. You seem like a cool girl, but oh no we can't hang out because you're black and I'm a fuckin' cracker." I said. 

"Damn." She said. She sat on the bench and I walked out of the shower and sat next to her. 

"My friend thinks bisexuality doesn't exist. Guess that makes me invisible." I said. 

"Bisexuality is totally a thing, my girl is bisexual." She explained. 

"Soso." I said. She was nice. A little Asian girl with short hair, she's always babbling about political stands against the guards. I love her passion.

 "How you know about Soso and I?" She asked. 

"I've seen you two around, I was so amazed that your group was cool with it, cause of the whole racism thing I was discussing earlier." I explained. She was silent. 

"Sorry, I gotta get back to work." I said. I grabbed the mop out of the bucket on my cart and began to mop the floor. 

"I think you're right, but I also think it's gone to far to back down. As far as your friend goes, the only advice I have is educate her. See yah." She said. She walked out of the bathroom and I was left alone again. 

I got done with the bathroom and walked back to the dorms to see Chapman. "Hey, Chapman!" I said. She looked up at me and I walked into her cube. 

"I need some advice, care to listen?" I asked. She tapped the spot next to her on her bed. 

I sat down and said, "Nicky thinks bisexuality isn't a thing, you're bisexual, right?" I asked. 

"I don't use the label but I do like both girls and boys." She said.  I nodded. 

"Nicky thinks you can't do that, or rather, I can't do that, It's so odd!" I said. She looked at me confused. I nodded as if to say 'yeah, seriously'. 

"So she thinks you can't like multiple genders?" She asked. I nodded. She was speechless. 

"I was mentioning my boyfriend from high school, and she questioned me so hard. It was shocking." I explained. 

"Well, I don't know what to tell you. I don't know how you could convince her or if you should...But if you wanna talk some more now or later I'm here. Hey before you leave, I have a question.." She said. "Yeah?" 

"How would you feel about wearing underwear until it smells and then giving it to me?" She asked. 

"Woah, Chapman...I didn't know you were into that.." I said. My cheeks turned red. 

"No no no! Not for me, I'm gonna sell them to guys on the internet. You'll get money and I'll put it in your commissary." She said. 

"Umm, no thanks, Chapman." I said. I walked out of the bunk. Chapman's been getting into some weird stuff lately.

I walked to the TV room and saw Nicky sitting there with Boo. "Nicky." I said. She turned around and walked over to me. 

"I need to talk to you, can we walk?" I asked. She nodded. We start walking to who knows where and I began trying to convince her without knowing how that bisexuality is real. 

"Alright. For like, ages people were questioning whether or not you could be gay. So, I don't know, I just am so confused as to why you would question my attraction to boys and girls." I admitted. 

"Listen you're either gay or straight. You have to pick its like, the laws of nature." She said. 

"Penguins!" I said. She looked at me confused. 

"Penguins can be bisexual, so can sea horses. So I don't buy your 'laws of nature' bullshit." I said. I'd spent a lot of time convincing people that my sexuality was real. I had ammo.

"Yeah, well, Seahorses can breathe underwater and we can't. So where's your logic?" She asked. 

"I don't need logic! I like a good dick and I like a good vagina. So does Chapman, so does Lorna, so does so many humans!" I said. 

"Why do you care if I disagree? It's not like you want anything from me sexually." She said. 

She walked into the chapel and we sat on the stage. She leaned behind the alter where no one could see us. I sat down next to her. When I looked up she had that smug smile she always makes. 

"Stop that." I said with a smirk.

 "What?" She asked. 

"Stop. You know whenever you make that smug smile and look into my eyes that I'm just going to want to..." I looked down. 

"Want to what?" She whispered. I breathed out, even my breath was shaky. 

"I don't know if this is a good idea. here." I said. 

"Why...think you can't control yourself?" She asked. 

She got close to my face and pressed her chest against mine. "I can control myself just fine." I whispered. I was lying though. I brought my lips close to hers and just as they were about to touch I heard. "Inmates! You're out of bounds. Are you asking for a shot?". I shot up and walked out of the chapel. What's wrong with me?

A/N Hey guys! Woo! Second update of the day! How are you guys liking it? How do you feel about Clementine's need to convince Nicky of her sexuality? What about Chapman, and how she chooses not to identify as bisexual? Let me know in the comments below and don't forget to vote, because that lets me know that you like where this is headed! Bye!

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