Chapter 29- The Purest Thing I've Ever Participated In.

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Clementine's POV: After lunch, I walked over to Nicky and grinned. "Okay, what happened?" She said.

"Nothing, yet." I said.

She looked at me curiously. "I have a surprise for you. A celebration." I said.

"Celebration of what?" She asked.
"We're back together, and we're really back together. We've never been on a date." I said.

"Okay, go on." She said.

"Meet me behind the greenhouse after work." I said.

"Okay, Ms. Mysterious." She said. I kissed her cheek and walked away. I felt her hand graze my back as I walked away. God, I was unbelievably happy.

Now it was time to plan. The date thing was very spontaneous I had no idea what I wanted to do. I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom while I brainstormed. I could make us a picnic, except she probably won't be hungry. Aha! I had the perfect idea. I rushed to the laundry room and saw that Brook Soso was in there. I knew she could help me.

"Hey, Soso. Can you do me the biggest favor?" I asked.

"Sorry, I've seen you but, who are you?" She asked.

"Oh! I'm Clementine, a sort of friend of Washington's." I said.

"Oh...well, a friend of my girlfriend is a friend of mine." She smiled.

"I need a blanket and a sheet." I said.

"Oh okay. Can I ask why?" She asked.

"It's kind of a long story. But, I'm planning something romantic for my girlfriend." I said. She smiled.
"Oh, Nichols?" She asked. I nodded.

"I never thought she'd commit to anyone." She said. Oh god.

"Did you guys like..."I trailed off. She nodded.

"We hooked up once before I found Poussey." She said.

I looked down. It's so weird to think about how many girls she's been with inside this prison. But she was with me now. Brook handed me the sheet and blanket and I walked out of the room. 

I stuffed the bedding in a sack and headed out to the greenhouse. CO Humps stopped me. My heart was racing. I didn't know if it was against the rules to take this stuff outside but I wanted to anyway. If I had to lie I would, the problem is I'm a bad liar.

"Hey! What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm taking some stuff to Red. She needs it for the garden." I said.

My heart was racing, hoping he wouldn't ask to see what was inside. He paused and looked me up and down before stepping to the side and holding out his arm to let me through. I let out a quiet sigh of relief as I walked past and made it to the greenhouse.

I began setting everything up. I tied a piece of string to a tree, and then to a hook on the greenhouse and draped the sheet over it. Then I put the blanket inside dropped my radio inside. I turned on the radio and heard someone say "It's 2:30 and we're gonna drop this next tra-" I cut it off. 2:30. Nicky should be here. I leaned against the greenhouse and then began to pace. What if something happened? What if she got stopped on the way here by that bitch of a CO Humps? Or worse, Piscatella? I heard a twig snap and smiled. Nicky peered around the corner and I walked over and kissed her. Her embrace was enough to satisfy me for weeks.

"So what's all this?" She asked.

"This is our staycation from life." I said.

"Staycation?" She asked.

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