Chapter 6 - Pornstache.

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This chapter deals with the topic of sexual assault, if that's triggering PLEASE proceed at your own risk. - Bethany

Clementine's POV: I was laying in my bunk trying to get some sleep...but I just couldn't! Nicky likes me! At least I assumed she did, based off of last night. Oh my god, I didn't ask any questions. I didn't have any at the time but now I do! Are we together? Does she want us to be? Since when does she like me? Does she care that I'm in love with Renee? I need to talk to Nicky today. 

I walked into the cafeteria, thankfully today I was feeling just as perky as the rest of the crowd was yesterday. Today's breakfast was oatmeal and toast. "Morning..." I say with still a hint of morning voice to be heard. "Morning." Morello said with her usual grin. I sat in my usual spot next to Nicky, and I was trying to play it cool. I didn't want her thinking I was obsessing over her. "Morning, Clementine." She said. Her hand eased to my thigh. "Morning. How'd you sleep?" I said, with my whole body stiffened. I whispered in Nicky's ear "Can I talk to you after breakfast?" "Sure. " She replied. Today's oatmeal tasted like snot but it was better than going hungry. 

Cleaning sinks is gross work. There are little globs of spit up toothpaste, and today's oatmeal. You'll find little hairs everywhere. Mopping the floor is tedious but I much prefer it to the sinks. I prefer the toilets to the sinks, to be honest. I was thinking about singing to Nicky yesterday to pass the time. I couldn't help but smile. There has to be a way that I can make music. I used to love playing my ukulele but I doubt they sell those at commissary. All I'd need is some wood and string. Oh my god! There's a workshop here. I could totally make a ukulele with the supplies there. I mean it wouldn't be perfect but it'd be something. I cleaned the bathroom as fast as I could. Bennett watches the workshop and he's pretty tame, so he'd probably let me make something if he knew it wasn't dangerous.

I was rushing to the workshop so fast I bumped into Nicky, "Okay now you're the stalker" she teased. "You said you wanted to talk to me after breakfast, where'd you go?" She asked. "Uh, I had an idea that I got distracted with." I admitted. "What's the idea?" "Not important. I have questions." I said. "Ask away." Nicky replied. "Okay, so I assume you're into me based on yesterday, but what's happening?" I asked hopelessly. Nicky put on that smug smile she always does. She walked closer to me until I was pushed up against the wall. "What's happening, is whatever you want to be happening." She said. "I don't know if you mean that..." I admitted. "And why's that?" She asked. "Because I don't just wanna sleep with you, I want a real relationship. I can't stop thinking about you, Nicky. Don't get me wrong sleeping with you with no strings has been fun but I just can't do that permanently, it's not for me. But I get the feeling that's how you like things. I'm rambling I'm sorry.." I say bashfully. "You're right. I'm a no strings attached kind of girl." She admitted. I looked down at my shoes, I was dreadfully disappointed. What was I thinking? Nicky was just gonna change every rule she's been living by for one girl she's known for 3 weeks? That's some fairytale bullshit. Life isn't a fanfiction. "Look, Clementine, I like you. If you wanna try this whole 'commitment' thing that's fine. I'll try it out. I can't say that I'm gonna stay with you forever and ever but I'm willing to try." She admitted. A grin spread across my face. I pecked her lips. "I wasn't expecting that." I admitted. She smiled and kissed me. "I'll see you later." I said. I slipped out from the trap she had put me in against the wall and headed to the workshop. 

"Hey, this isn't your job you're not supposed to be in here. Get back to work." Bennett said. "I know. I finished early but, I wanted to make something. It's not a weapon, pretty please?" I begged. "No." He replied. "It's practically medicinal." I admitted. "What could you be making that would be medicinal?" Bennett asked. "I'm making a ukulele. Music helps my depressive episodes." "We don't have the stuff to make a ukulele here." He said. "I could make it work with the materials here. Please, Officer Bennett..?" I pleaded. "Alright. But if I see you do one thing I don't like you're getting a shot." He threatened. "Fair." I replied. I immediately ran to the work table and started thinking. What would I need? I'd need wood and some type of string whether its plastic or metal.I'd also need to come up with something to use as tuning pegs. Eye bolts! I worked for the rest of the day getting the parts I needed and by the time I was actually ready to assemble the ukulele I had like 10 minutes. I quickly ran to the shelf and got some wood glue. I got a bunch of string and started securing everything. I sat the uke to dry and by tomorrow I would have it. 

I didn't realize how tired I was until I was done. I went back to my bunk and saw boo on her bed. "Jeez you look tired." she remarked. "Yeah, Bennett let me use the shop to make something today. I'll have it tomorrow." I replied. "What are you making?" She asked. "A ukulele." "How'd you make that in here?" She asked. "It looks really shitty, I'm hoping it will sound okay." I admitted. "Well, good luck." She said. I smiled. Boo and I didn't talk much, probably cause we only ever saw each other at meal times and normally I'm focused on Nicky then. Speaking of which, dinner was happening right now. Shit.

I practically ran to the cafeteria. I got my food and plopped down on the bench next to Nicky. "You're late." She remarked. "Oh really? I never would've guessed!" I said sarcastically. " Dinner's over. Inmates back to your bunks!" I heard Pornstache say just as I was about to eat my first bite. "Fuck..." I whispered. "Sorry, Clementine. Why are you so late anyway?" She asked. "I was fulfilling my idea." I replied. I started to walk out of the cafeteria with Nicky when Pornstache looked at me "Inmate!" I flinched. "Yes, sir." I said. I was shocked. I had managed to stay invisible with the COs until now. "I didn't see you cleaning today, and you're late to dinner? What were you up to?" He asked. "I...I..." "Oh I see, you can't tell me. Come back with me." He said. He grabbed my arm and pulled me down the halls where no one was. "Where are you taking me?" I asked. "Inmate I suggest you remain quiet unless you want a shot." He said sternly. He dragged me into a closet and by now I was pretty sure I knew what was happened. "I'm gonna let you get away with this, I won't take you to the SHU, as long as you give me one thing..." He said. He started undoing his belt and took down his pants. He grabbed my head and pushed me down onto him. I felt so disgusting and used. He never even asked me if it was worth it. Would I rather go to the SHU than do this? I could hear him groaning and I was ready to throw up. All of it was such a blur. It seemed to be 5 seconds and 5 years at the same time by the time it was over. "Now I suggest you head back to your bunk without a word. Or else you'll be getting your ass sent down to the SHU. I'll make you rot in there, Clementine." He threatened. I could feel the tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. I walked out of the closet and back to my bunk. The dark empty halls felt like they were closing in on me. I could hear the echo of my boots on the hard floor below. I sat down on my bed and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped up and saw Nicky. "Woah, you okay?" She teased. "I...I..." I could barely get words out. "What's wrong? What happened out there?" She asked. You could see how concerned she was in her big brown eyes. "I don't wanna talk about it." I replied. I laid down on my bed and I felt Nicky pull the blanket on top of me. She kissed my cheek and walked back to her cube. I could still feel his hands on my head, the tears were finally falling out of eyes and I just let them. There wasn't any weird breathing or anything like there normally is. It was just tears. Until I closed my eyes and everything faded to black.

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