Chapter 7 - Morello.

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Clementine's POV: I woke up feeling like absolute trash. Tears were all over my pillow and I woke up crying. But I wiped the tears away and pulled on my shoes. Maybe having some breakfast would help.I walked into the cafeteria and realized I was up really early. I know this cause the only people in the cafeteria are the Golden Girls and Crazy Eyes. Today's breakfast was an orange slice, eggs, and sausage. Eating it was making me physically sick, but I was determined to stomach it. I took my last bite, and I could feel all of it coming back up. I shot up out of my seat and started running towards the door. "Stop right there." Pornstache said at the doorway. "We do not leave breakfast until breakfast is over." He remarked. I looked out the door and saw Nicky smiling to me. Oh god...I couldn't hold it anymore. The contents of breakfast spilled on to me and on to the floor. "That's a shot!" Pornstache said. "Woah! For what?" Nicky said. "Damaging government property." He replied. I wiped my mouth and looked up at her. My cheeks were bright red and my eyes were watering. She walked around the puddle of vomit and handed me a napkin. I wiped my mouth. "What the hell happened to you?" She asked. "I-" I saw Pornstache glare at me. "Nothing, it must just be a bug." I shrugged. "How the hell am I gonna clean this up?" I asked. "I'll clean it. You go to the bathroom and clean yourself up." She instructed. 

I walked past Pornstache and into the bathroom to brush my teeth. "You know that's not gonna last right?" I heard from behind me. I looked and there stood Alex Vause. "What won't last?" I asked. "Nicky's whole 'Caring Girlfriend' act. She's not a one woman girl." She said. "This time is different. We really like each other." I smiled. I couldn't blame Alex for saying that. If it were anyone else it'd be true. "You're not special. She's not going to be able to resist the next girl that wants a little love. She's a giver." She remarked. "And how would you know?" I asked. "She's the first girl I hooked up with in this prison. She was ready the moment I asked." She replied. I guess the disappointment showed on my face cause the next thing she said was "I'm just looking out for you, Clementine. I see how you look at her, and I don't want you to get to attached. I'm being a friend." She said. I almost believed her. But there's no way that Nicky would break up with me just to hook up with someone else. Right?

I got all cleaned up and headed to the workshop to check on my Ukulele.
I untied all the strings and made sure all the glue was dry, and now it was time to string it up. I found some plastic string that would work perfectly. Tying the strings to the eye bolts drilled into the sides, and playing each string until it sounded right. Now the real test was to play something. I decided on "A non-love song from Nashville" by Dodie Clark. I played each chord and not surprisingly it didn't sound great. But it didn't sound repulsive! It wasn't as great as my ukulele back home but it definitely surpassed my expectations. I was so happy! I ran back to my bunk and put the ukulele on my bed. Then I headed straight to the bathrooms to clean. Usually, the work bores me to death but with the knowledge that I'd be playing my Ukulele today, I was elated. I went to the E Dorm bathroom and was about to start cleaning there when I heard Nicky "Where'd you go?" She asked. "No no no, stay over there...leave me alone." I heard Morello say. "Baby, I'm here I can touch you. You need to be touched,I can give that to you." She replied. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I quietly rolled my cart out of that door and slid down against the wall. Alex was right. I can't believe I didn't think of Morello. Of course, Nicky would drop me for Morello in a second. I just wish she would have at least had the decency to drop me first. Was that all I was to her? Some filler for the time she couldn't have Morello? As soon as Morello was ready to give it to her I was just some girl who she sat with at meal times? She said she'd try. It's been one day! It took her one day to cheat on me. Maybe this was stupid. Maybe asking her to drop the whole no strings act for me was stupid. Maybe the whole this was  just some fairytale bullshit. I could hear Nicky walking out of the bathroom so I quickly put stuff on the cleaning cart to walk off. But something fell down and as I went to pick it up, there she was. Witnessing me there, tear-stained cheeks and all. Her eyes immediately softed. "Clementine..." She said. "Fuck off" I said. My voice was cutting. "I can explain.." She replied. "Go ahead! Explain! What the hell dropped your morals to such an all time low that you cheat on your girlfriend of one day on a girl that didn't even want to have sex with you. For god sakes, Nicky, she's married! Have you not heard about that? She talks about it every goddamn second. So yeah, anyway, go ahead. Explain what possessed you to do all that." I said. "I.....I'm sorry Clementine. I'm in love with her. I can't resist her I...I'm sorry." She said. "Yeah well I'm in love with Renee but you don't see me feeling her up at visitation." I replied. "I-" "You know what, just fuck off Nicky." I replied. 

I pushed my cart back into the janitors closet and went back to my bunk to see my ukulele. I can't work on it anymore today, and I definitely can't play it today. The plan was to play it for Nicky. 

You know what? No. I'm gonna work on it. This isn't going to affect my daily life. I grabbed some black nail polish that I had and a paint brush. I laid down some paper and started painting the base of the ukulele when Boo walked in. "Hey. Is that the ukulele? How does it sound?" She asked. "It sounds great.." I said, my voice was shaking. I was on the verge of tears. "What's up? Is everything okay?" She asked. I wiped the tears off my cheeks. "Umm no." I replied. "What happened?" "Umm well let's see, it started with Pornstache forcing me to suck his dick because that's the only way he'll ever get some, and then it ended with Nicky attempting to cheat on me with Morello." I replied. "Oh, shit...I'm sorry Clementine." She replied. "No, it's fine, really. I mean I'm glad it happened now and not in like 4 months. Cause who knows I couldn't been in love or something." I said. "Sounds like you already are." Boo admitted. "What? No. It's just infatuation." I shrugged. "If you say so.." She replies. Soon the entire ukulele is covered and Now I just need to wait for it to dry. Lucky for me it should be dry by the end of Dinner which is starting now. 

I walk into the cafeteria and see Nicky sitting at the table. Shit. Where the hell am I supposed to sit? I see an older woman with short blonde hair and large blue eyes sitting alone. I walk up to her with my tray, "Do you mind if I sit here?" I ask. "Sure." She replies. I sit down, tonights meal is beef and noodles. "You look upset, may I ask why?" She asks. "Umm, my girlfriend cheated on me." I replied. Things are silent for a while and then the woman looks up and says "Do you know what a mandala is?" "Yeah, my sister used to love them." I replied. "The Tibetan monks make then out of dark sand laid out into big beautiful designs. And when they're done, after days or weeks of work, they wipe it all away." She says. "Oh, that's cool....not to be rude, but why are you telling me this?" I ask. "Try to look at your experience here as a mandala. Work hard to make something as meaningful and beautiful as you can. And when you're done, pack it in and know it was all temporary." She replied. "Wow, thanks. That was actually really insightful....sorry what's your name?" I ask "Jones, and aren't you Clementine?" She asked. "Yes.". "You're the girl who made that Ukulele. I saw it, it looks wonderful." She replied. "Well thank you." I say. I finish my last night of food and look up to say goodbye. "It's been lovely talking to you, Jones." I say. "You too, Clementine. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day." She replied. She really made my day. Sure its been bad but at least there's one friendly face. I go to bus my tray and then head back to my bunk. 

When I walked back in I could see that my Ukulele was dry. My mood immediately dropped. I didn't know if I wanted to play it...what am I talking about? Of course, I did. I'd been working on it for a while now. I needed to play it. I grabbed the neck of the ukulele and sat on my bed. I started playing the chords to "La Vie En Rose" "Hold me close and hold me fast. This magic spell you cast, This is la vie en rose. When you kiss me heaven sighs. And though I close my eyes, I see la vie en rose." I stopped playing and smiled. It sounded nice. I looked up and saw Nicky leaning against the stone wall. My smile immediately dropped. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked. "Asking for a second chance?" She asked, sounding far too optimistic under the circumstances. "No. You don't just get to come in here with your smug smile and ask for a second chance after you did that. And you know what if you would've just came up to me and said 'Hey, Clementine. I really just can't do this whole commitment thing. Can we please just be friends?' I would've said 'Sure Nicky!' and yeah I would've been a little upset but not this upset!" by the time I was finished I was out of breath. "Wow, okay. I think that's the most you've ever said in here at once. My turn?" She asked. I nodded reluctantly. "Morello was a mistake. I'm a fucked up girl, if we're together you're gonna get a lot of those with me. But I really like you, Clementine. I really do. I'm gonna try my absolute best and again, I'm going to fuck up, but I hope that when I do you'll still want to be with me. Cause I'll sure as hell still want to be with you." She said. I looked down. Nicky was right. What she did was shitty but she's sorry, I can tell. Everyone deserves a second chance. I smiled and looked up at her. "I made a ukulele." I said. She smiled back. She rushed towards me and kissed me. Her hand traveled down my waist and to my pants. "Wait wait wait! I want to play it for you!" I exclaimed. She laughed. "What?" "You're the girl I know that would turn down sex to play her ukulele." She remarked. "I'm gonna take that as a compliment." I replied. I then started playing "Intertwined" by Dodie Clark. 
"That was beautiful" Nicky said. "Thank you." "Can we have sex now?" She asked. "How? It's lights out in like 5 minutes." I said. "We have to use the bathroom." Nicky said. I smiled and grabbed the toilet paper. We both walked about and headed to the bathroom. "How did I end up here?" Is what I though to myself for the millionth time since I got to Litchfield, except this time, it was a positive question.

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