Chapter 14 - You Tickle Me.

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Clementine's POV: I nodded my head with my eyes squinted. "What happened?" I croaked. "You had a minor stroke." Bennett replied. "What the fuck...." I muttered. "You were under enough stress, which increased your heart rate to the point of a minor stroke." Bennett explained again. "Am I like...permanently damaged?" "Thankfully no. You're leaving as soon as you get unhooked." Bennett replied. "Unhooked?" I asked. As soon as I did I felt a foreign object in my arm and I looked down and saw an IV. "Oh god..."I said. "What?" Bennett said. "Get it out! Get it out! I'm terrified of needles. Get it out!" I yelled. "The doctor will be here soon h-" "Get it out, now!" I screamed. The doctor ran in due to my screams. I looked up with fear. "I-needles. Please get it out." I begged. He walked over and took the IV out of my arm and I was at ease. "Alright inmate, let's go." Bennett said. I stood up and wobbled a little before regaining my balance. 

I walked into the prison and went to my bunk. I saw a bunch of stuff laying there. My ukulele with a song someone had wrote for me to play. That's so cool! I also saw some Doritos and a Pepsi, and a letter. I reached for the letter and looked at the writing, it was Nicky. At first, I went to sit in on my locker and ignore it but I heard from behind me "You should read it.". It was Renee. I smiled and hugged her. "I thought you had died or something." Renee said. "I thought I was going to die or something." I half joked. "But seriously, you should read it." She repeated. "Why? So that Nicky and I will be back together and I can remember that every time she says I love you, it actually doesn't mean anything?" I said. Renee looked down and sighed. "So that you can know what she's thinking. She wasn't clean at the time." She said. "Oh and she's clean now?" I asked. "Yes!" Renee said cheerfully. "Wow! Perfect! That changes everything. I'm gonna go sit on her face right now!" I said sarcastically. Renee looked at me with annoyance and said, "She loves you. She only said that stuff cause she was on drugs and she was hurt a-" "She was hurt? I was hurt. I was the one who was told I didn't love her. Do you know how hard it is to have someone tell you you don't feel something that you know you do? It's fucking hard." I said. "Not as hard as trying to fight the urge to resist drugs every day!" Renee pointed out. I opened my mouth to say something but had nothing to say. She was right that was harder. "Doesn't mean I have to date her again." I replied. "Yes. But it does mean you should hear her out." Renee said handing the letter to me. I gave in and unfolded the paper. 

Dear Clementine, I'm sorry. This whole getting clean thing, it's really hard. I'm trying. I'm sorry for all the things I said. No that's a lie. I'm sorry for almost everything I said. I'm not sorry for saying one thing, and that's that I love you. I still love you, Clementine. I don't get this way very often and it's never been mutual. I've never had this. Now I've lost you to drugs. I can't say that I'm going to be perfect but I can say I will find a way to make it up to you. If you'll let me, I hope we can at least be friends. You tickle me, Clementine. You're really fucking cool and I don't want to see you all the time and not be able to talk to you. So this is really nerdy, but umm, can we be friends? Circle "Yes" or "No"

Yes                                No

I sat the letter down and sighed. "So?" Renee said. I shrugged. "She hurt me too badly. One letter isn't going to take all that away." I admitted. Renee nodded and walked out of the bunk. I sat on my bed and grabbed the song. It was called "Down". I grabbed my ukulele and started to play. "I woke up as heavy as led, an ocean of worries weighs me down in bed, but there's things to do, there's a life to live, must ignore my stupid head." I sit the ukulele down and realize this song was right. I had to ignore my stupid head. I had to give Nicky the chance to make it up to me. Even if it means just as friends. 

I walked into the TV room where I saw Morello and Nicky. "Hey." I said. They both turned around and Morello ran up to me. "Oh sweety! When you fell down in the cafeteria I thought I'd never see you again! But now look at you! You've bounced right back. Oh, it's so good to see you!" She said. I smiled. "It's good to see you too, Morello." I said. "Actually, it's Mrs. Mutchio now." She said. "You got married?" I gasped. "Yeah, Vinnie and I finally tied the knot." She said. "Congratulations, Morello! I mean, Mutchio. Boy that's gonna take some getting used to." I admitted. Everyone sat there in silence and then Lorna and Nicky looked at each other. Lorna looked at me and said "Well I'll let you two talk.". She walked out and I pulled Nicky to the side so I wouldn't disturb the people watching TV. "Look I'm skeptical. But, I'm going to let you try and make it up to me. Just as friends though."I said. Nicky nodded. "Okay. I will. I swear I will, Clementine." She said. I nodded. "Are you okay? I thought you had died or something." Nicky admitted. "Yeah I'm fine. I had a minor stroke, stress related apparently." I explained. 

We sat down and watched the TV while she told me what I had missed. 

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