Fear (skylox)

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It's over, all I've ever lived for is gone. So now all I have to do is one little movement and I'll be with them. And I'll be gone, no one cares anymore so why bother. No one loves me, and I thought I just got over them. Oh I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Ty. And I guess fear has finally got to me.
*flashback to 7 years ago*
Me and Sky were walking to the park and just thinking about how much we actually just like spending time with each other. I guess I was daydreaming about Sky again because he had to snap me out of it. You see, I'm gay and the only person who knew was Sky who supported me 100%. But he didn't know it all, I've had a crush on him ever since I met him and that's when I figured out I was gay. We would always do this, every saturday, we would go to the park and just talk. It was the only time we ever got to talk to each other and it was perfect.(almost) *end of flashback* That was 7 years ago, and I knew he would never like me, I'm 17 now and Sky is 18. He has a girlfriend and has come out being bi. I hate his girlfriend. Yes,shes nice, beautiful, and perfect. That's what I hate about her, she's perfect and I'm just ugly, scrawny, pale, emo, and gay. God,what is wrong with me, why can't I just be normal for once? I used to have a girlfriend but I never really liked her, I just had her so I wouldn't get made fun of at school. So when she dumped me, all the bullies came after me as an easy target. There were three different groups at our school, bullies, populars, and people nobody even knew. And then there was me. I never fit in anywhere so the bullies picked on me. No much more than that, kicked me, punched me, beat the shit out of me basically and they would always say the most hurtful things, especially like a waste of air, yeah that was they're favorite one. Sky was in the popular group so of course he had tons of "friends". One day when he saw me getting beat up, he stopped all of them, it was amazing. But once I found out he had a girlfriend I cut more than I already did because of the bullies. It hurt so much so today I realized I have nothing to live for. Everyday just brings me pain and sorrow because I know that what I want, I can't have. So here I am, arms bloody and standing in front of a rope that can just end it all. And nobody even knew I was depressed, what a shame. I'm going to do it, right here, right now. "Just do it Ty, no one will miss you, especially Sky" a voice in my head said." I know, I know" I said aloud. Here goes nothing. I jumped but before everything went black, I heard someone screaming my name.

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