32. A Dark Past

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I'd joined two chapters here like I've been doing with other chapters but it was getting into 13000 words and was beginning to look a little crazy so I removed part of it.


Cleopatra, Born of the Sea and An unlikely Liaison readers who have asked me to update, please be a little patient with me. I haven't abandoned the stories, I'm actually working on them behind the scenes. But it might take me a while to get the chapters update-ready because of the devil child that's called school.


As soon as he made sure he had the best man in his guard watching over Erinna, Alexander left for Miya's house on the East side of the castle. It was way past midnight and he knew dawn was fast approaching. Whatever he was going to be doing there would have to take the littlest possible time.

Time was not the only reason he wanted to hurry his visit, the promise he had made to Erinna made it necessary for him to return to the castle before his absence became suspicious. He intended to do all that was in his power to keep his word. Unless of course she decided to never tell Dracula, only then would he be inclined to tell his master.

Miya was sleeping when he got to her cottage.

He knocked and then belatedly realised he might have been too loud. Miya was the only person in Transylvania who kept normal human hours and she got really irritated when her sleep was disturbed by 'bloody vampires'.

"The day I let a bloodsucker detect the time I sleep will be the day I die," she always said.

She opened the door with a sour face after the rude awakening.

"The only time you visit me and you are trying to knock my door down already?"

"Let's be honest Mimi, that's the only thing that could wake you up, you sleep like tge dead."

"Bloody vampires," she mumbled, letting him in.

"Coffee?" She asked then realised her error, "Why am I even bothering?" She finished, rhetorically.

They went to her sitting room and Alexander took a seat even if he didn't want to. Miya would never tolerate such nonsense in her home.

"I can't stay long, Mimi," he said.

"Who's he killing now?" she asked with a bored expression on her face.

He bit his tongue to hold back his laughter; it was true, all his past visits had been to beg her to save someone The Count had been about to kill. Not that Miya's opinion or anyone's really mattered to Drac but Alexander had felt it was worth a try.

"He's still out of town. "

"Then what's wrong?"

"Nothing," he replied quickly and hoped his lie didn't sound as fake to her ears as it did to his.

"Well spill it out then. Whatever is bothering you, I can't tell you I won't help you if you don't tell me what it is."

"What do you know about possession?" He asked.

A frown appeared on her beautiful youthful face. With red luscious hair and animated violet eyes, Miya was one of the most vibrant looking women he had ever met. She was the embodiment of life and vitality.

Her Greek and Romanian roots showed in her dark skin tone. It suited her and made her look like a sun goddess of some sort. Not to mention the energy she seemed to ooze, even when she was half asleep like this.


"Yes, possession."

"That's a broad question Alexander; I couldn't possibly answer it in one day. What exactly do you want to know?"

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