97. Swimming With the Fishes

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"Perhaps I should just leave you," Vlad said to Erinna.

They had stayed in the bedroom they had been given where there was a mirror so that if Aurora tried to reach them, they would not miss her. Alexander and the others had gone exploring the sand dunes and the River Nile so it was just them.

"There is no need to worry, Aurora wants to see you as much as you do," she assured him, putting her hand on his.

"It's been four thousand years. I don't know what to say to her." He admitted.

They were seated in the circular bath that was sunk in the middle of their bedroom. It had the best healing salts that Erinna found soothing on her aching muscles. Vlad was leaning against the wall and she was sitting astride him, her arms around his neck as they enjoyed the serene night.

The servants had brought lamps and candles to their room since their energy had disrupted Horus' system of wireless power. Erinna felt guilty for it but was secretly glad to return to what was familiar. The dancing flames of the lamps casting eerie shadows on the wall comforted her and made her feel at home.

"On that note, I should probably warn you that she is pregnant."

Vlad's eyes flashed red. "She's what?"

"Pregnant. You're going to be an uncle." She teased him with a smile.

"I'm going to kill that bastard, thinking he can just take advantage because I can't reach him."

"You do realize our souls will probably end up under Hakim's care when we die? Are you sure you want to antagonize him?" She said mildly, amused by his protectiveness.

"I don't care, he should not have touched my sister."

"She's happy, be happy for her as she is for us."

He still looked disgruntled so Erinna sought to distract him. She moved to kiss him but just before their lips touched, he turned his head away with a pained groan.

"Ginger, angel."

"But I really want to kiss you."

"Then go and wash your mouth first."

The first time that he had refused to kiss her after she had eaten ginger cookies; she had thought he was doing it to get back at her for refusing to kiss him soon after he fed. But after the next four times, she now knew he was serious in his conviction to never get anything ginger flavored near his tongue. The way he went on though, you would think it was toxic to him.

"It doesn't even harm you, Vlad."

"The taste is vile." He maintained.

"How come you never complain about it in my blood?"

"Your circulatory system and digestive systems are two very different things. What you eat has little effect on how you taste, at least blood wise." He turned his head to the side to nip her wrist.

"So everyone tastes the same?"

He frowned. "Humans taste the same, especially if they are getting adequate nutrients. What sets someone apart is this..."

His hand went to the bottom of her stomach where it felt like all the most potent energy in her body rested, be it power or arousal. He trailed his fingertips from the dark, prominent vertical line under her navel, up her distended stomach to her sternum. The liquid fire of her provoked power followed the path of his fingers, coming to settle around her chest, close to the surface.

"Power?" Erinna finished for him, her throat dry and skin feverish with the need to press closer to him. His red eyes reflected the hunger that she felt inside her body from his seemingly innocent touch.

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