Dan and Phil #1

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(No phan is here not real, sorry don't kill me pls. You're 15 years old and at VidCon. Last but not least: maybe a slight trigger warning!!!!!!!!! Enjoy!)

Your P.O.V.

I had finally gatherd enough money! I quickly walked in the VidCon building and searched around. Maybe I had been trough much but this was the scariest thing I've ever done. Oh. My. Jolly joy! (sorry I don't swear :) ) There in front of me was the meet and greet for THE Dan and Phil! I walked to the enormous line of people and quietly stood in line. You see, I was very VERY nervous, I have social anxiety. But I won't let it hold me back from meeting my hero's, the one's who saved my from suicide and stopped my self harming. As I was deep in thought I looked down at my wrists, scars all over the place. Tears were threatning to fall and they did.

Phil's P.O.V.

The meet and greet was great so far! Meeting fan's really makes me happy and to do it with my best friend Dan is even more fun. ''NEXT!'' the security man yelled. I looked to the line, only to see a girl of the age 15 staring at her scars on her wrist while silently crying. I elbowed Dan ''Dan, look!'' I whispered. Dan looked over to the line and his eye's immediately filled with sympathy and care. We quietly walked over to the girl and gave her a loving hug.

your P.O.V.

Suddently I felt two people hug me tight. I looked up to see Dan and Phil hug me, ME! O no, I zoned out didn't I? I began to panic, I made myself look stupid in front of them! I slowly began to gain a panic attack and before I blacked out I saw Dan run off to get a nurse and Phil saying stuff to me but I couldn't hear what he said. Then blackness, blackness that's what I saw.

~~little time skip~~

I slowly opened my eye's, everything was blurry and my head hurt like a knife was stabbing into my head. When the blur was gone I was in a room I didn't recognize, wait... I was in a hotel room? I slowly sat up in the bed I was lying down in. I could not get up because I was to dizzy, yep this was by far my worst panic attack. I looked around for my phone but then realized that I didn't have one. I also realized that there were two suitcases lying on the ground, was I not alone? Also, how did I get here? The last thing I remembered I was being hugged by Dan and Phil. ''Yeah, you messed up bad (Y/N)'' I sigh and closed my eye's while resting my head on the wall. ''No, no, no you didn't!'' Someone said, I was so startled that I almost fell off the bed. ''careful!'' said someone else while running to my side. When I looked up who it was I froze. I was in the hotel room of Dan and Phil?!

''How are you feeling (Y/N)?'' Dan said. Wait what? ''Ho- how do y- you kno- know m- my name?'' way to go(Y/N), you made yourself more stupid then you already are! ''No you're not stupid! And we know your name from your VidCon pass.'' Phil said. Oh no, I said that out loud... ''Oh... Well my head hurts a bit but I'll be going now.'' I said and standing up so fast that I forgot I was dizzy and I fell. But not on the ground, I was now being hold by Dan. ''It doesn't look like you're ok. You better rest some more.'' Dan said while laying me down again. ''Yeah, you can stay as long as you want!'' Phil added. ''Thanks'' I said quietly. ''Do you have a phone so we can call your parents?'' I looked down and murmured ''No and my parents are dead. They died in a car crash.'' Dan and Phil stood there in shock and then came to hug me in the best hug I ever had. ''I'm so sorry, but in which orphanage do you live then?'' Dan asked. Should you tell them the truth? Maybe it's for the best.

''None... When I found out that my parents had died I ran to the closest orphanage and told them what happend. They didn't believe my and so did the police, so I was homeless since then. After three months the boss of the library believed me and let me sleep in the library when I wanted. I did this two times a week because I didn't want to be a burden. In the library they have some computers and that's how I find you guys. You were just two years on youtube and I wanted to meet you so bad, but I knew I couldn't. I was depressed and I had a knive so I cut but because of you I stopped. I began to gather money from everywhere, I didn't buy food that much for it and only a bit of water. Yesterday I finally had enough money to buy a ticket to meet you guys. So yeah...'' When I finished Dan and Phil were in tears and they hugged me again.

How this ended? Dan and Phil let me move in with them. They helped me trough everything and finally I was happy again.

(Did you like it? Sorry for the feels hehe. Bye internet!)

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