Crankgameplays #1

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(Hey again! So this one is about Ethan from crankgameplays. In this one you're 7 years old. Enjoy!!!)

Ethan's P.O.V.

''Pffffff'' I let out a sigh after I finally finished editting the last video. Don't get me wrong I love making videos, but it can be tiring! I decided to have a little break and go to the park.

I walked for a bit when I saw a kid from around 7 years sitting on a bench looking sad. I walked over and sat down next to the kid. ''Hey my name is Ethan, why so sad?'' The kid looked at me and said ''My pencil broke and my drawing wasn't finished yet!'' ''What's your name?'' I asked ''(Y/N)'' ''Well (Y/N) you are lucky, I have a pencil just for you!'' Their face lit up immediatly and thanked me a thousand times. ''You don't have to thank me (Y/N)! Now, what are you drawing?'' ''I was drawing a unicorn! But now I'm gonna draw something else!'' I looked at the drawn unicorn on her drawing pad and wow it looked so real? How does (Y/N) do that?

''Done!!!'' I snapped out of my amazedness (is that even a word? XD) and looked at the drawing. And it was... It was a speed sketch of me? and so good for a 7 year old kid! (the picture at the top, I do NOT own that picture in fact I could never draw that good!) ''Wow (Y/N)! That is a beautiful drawing!'' ''Thanks! You can have it! I got to go home now, mom is maybe worrying where I am!'' ''Wait your mother doesn't know you're here?'' ''Well sorta, she knows I come here often to draw but I never take so long.'' (Y/N) said. ''Okay then, maybe I see you again!'' ''Goodbye mr. Ethan!'' I giggled a bit before she ran out of the park.

The first thing I did when I got home was hanging the drawing on my bedroom wall. It looked absolutly amazing! I hope we meet again sometime! 

And we did. In fact everyday I would go to the park at noon and there was (Y/N) sitting on the same bench every time. We became good friends, and let's just say that many other pictures were drawn by the 7 year old (Y/N).

(Taadaa! And did you like the story? I hope so! Suggest more YT'ers if you want, BYE!)

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