Lordminion777 ~~request~~

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(A Wade imagine suggested by  madlittlecriminal . You are 10 years old in this one XD So enjoy! Also, if the letters seem different, idk why that is, wattpad is being weird again...)

Wade's P.O.V.

It was just a normal day, well I thought it was. I was taking a break and I decided to go to Starbucks. (idk if he likes starbucks) On my way I met some of my fans and I almost reached Starbucks when I saw a little cake shop. Huh, that wasn't there before, maybe I should try it out. So I went in the little shop and I was met with the sweet sense of cake. I walked up to the counter, I looked around but I saw nobody. ''Hello? Is somebody there?'' I asked. Then I heard little feet pattering on the floor and getting closer. I looked down to see a little kid standing in front of me. ''Welcome to (Y/N)'s cake shop! (Yeah I know, how original!XD) What would you like to order?'' The little kid I assumed was called (Y/N) said. ''Oh, well I would like to have a chocolate cake and some coffee. But can I ask you something?'' I said confused. ''Sure thing! Ask away.'' (Y/N) said cheerfully. ''How are you all alone here?'' I asked because I didn't see anyone else here. I mean, where were the adults? ''I run this shop! My parents gave it to me, so actually it's their shop.'' (Y/N) answered. ''But I will get your order ready now! You can get a seat if you want, I'll be there in a minute.'' I nodded and she disappeared in the shop to get my order. I looked for a nice place to sit and sat down somewhere by a window.

After waiting a few minutes (Y/N) came back with my order. ''Enjoy your cake!'' (Y/N) said smiling and walking behind the counter. The chocolate cake looked delicious and the coffee smelled really good. I sipped my coffee a bit because it was still hot, I then began to eat the cake and it was so good! Goodbye Starbucks! From now on I'm going to take a break every day to eat some cake. I almost finished when I heard the shop bell ring and a very familiair voice. ''Hello (Y/N)!'' ''Oh hey there Mark!'' (Y/N) greeted. (idk if they live close to eachother so just pretend okay?) ''Mark???'' I said. Mark turned his head and smiled when he saw it was me. ''Hey Wade, also on a break?'' ''Yeah, actually but how do you know (Y/N)?'' I asked. ''I come here every day on my break! So by now I can say I'm friends with (Y/N).'' He answered. ''That's so cool, are you friends to?'' (Y/N) asked while squealing. ''Yeah actually we are! This is the Wade I told you about a lot!'' Mark said. (Y/N) let out an almost unhuman sound, ran to me and hugged me tight. ''Woah! I need to breathe to!'' I said laughing. ''Sorry, I am just excited!'' (Y/N) said letting go. We all talked a bit until I had to go. I waved to Mark and (Y/N) and walked back home.

And from that day Mark, (Y/N) and I eat and talked every day on our break. Let's just say they're really good friends, even the little ten year old.

(The end!!! Did you enjoy it??? I hope so! Leave a comment if you like. 'till next Sunday!)

~~YoutubersxChild!reader imagines~~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora