Crankgameplays #2

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(So in this story you are color blind, I just want to say that I'm not color blind. Sorry if you are and this isn't what it is like. Also, YouTubeGirl83 your request is coming next week! Anyway, you are 13-17 years old in this one! Enjoy!)

Your P.O.V.

Yes! Today you were going to meet Ethan! You were very excited and nervous at the same time. What if he thinks I'm scary because I am color blind? But Ethan wouldn't do that right? Currently, you were eating your breakfast or rather you could say devouring it. The meeting wasn't far from here but you were kinda late. You rushed around the house to get ready. Ten minutes later you were ready to go. You waved to your roommate/parents and left.

Ethan's P.O.V.

I was helping setting up the meeting and there were already a lot of people. I was very excited to meet all of my fans or some of them at least. Someone told them to line up and I began to meet people.

After a while a boy/girl was next. They looked very nervous for some reason. ''Hello! Do you want to take a picture?'' I asked smiling. ''Yes, please.'' They said and handed my their phone. We posed and took a selfie. ''Wow, you have really pretty (E/C)!'' I complimented. ''Uum thank you I guess...'' She/He said shyly. I raised an eyebrow, why was she/he so shy about something like that? They saw I was confused and looked at the ground. ''What is your name?'' ''My name is (Y/N)'' They said. ''Well, it was nice to meet you (Y/N)!'' I said while hugging her/him goodbye. 

Your P.O.V.

Oh no. He complimented me on something that has color. It was really awkward. Ethan hugged me goodbye. While we hugged I suddenly felt something burning in my eyes. My head began hurting really bad and I held my head in my hands. ''What's wrong? Are you okay?'' Ethan asked concerned. I couldn't respond, so Ethan led me to what looked like a backstage. He set me on a couch and walked back to continue the meeting. I laid on the couch and it felt really comfortable. I might fell asleep...

When I woke up I saw Ethan sitting in a chair across from me. ''Hey you're awake! Are you okay?'' He asked. Wait.... I blinked a few times. How was this happening? ''Err, hello???'' Ethan said awkwardly. ''I can see colors.'' I whispered. ''What? I can't hear you.'' ''I CAN SEE COLORS!!!'' I yelled. Ethan fell off his chair because he was surprised by my sudden yelling. I began to cry happy tears. Ethan walked to me and gave me a hug. He was probably confused as heck. I mean, a random fan meets him gets awkward, suddenly gets a headache, sleeps on a couch and begins yelling when he/she wakes up. ''Err, I should probably explain.'' I said. So I explained my story. Ethan listened to all of it. ''So when you hugged me you began to see color?'' He asked. ''Yes, pretty weird if you think about it.'' I laughed. ''Well I am glad I could help!'' He said smiling.

(END!!! What did you think? Today I had 0 ideas so I hope you like it! See you next Sunday!)

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