Markiplier #2

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(Yay! Another Markiplier one! You are 10 years old and already 3 years adopted. You are also a girl in this one, so if you're not a girl just change it! Mark is in this story not a YouTuber so he doesn't know some people he knows now. Abuse is mentioned. Enjoy my lovely readers!)

Mark's P.O.V.

Today was the day, I was going to tell (Y/N). It was 10 AM and (Y/N) was still sleeping. I slowly walked into her room and began to lightly shake her. ''(Y/N) wake up, today is the surprise day!'' ''Mmm, okay.'' She said rubbing her eyes. ''I will be in the kitchen if you need me.'' I kissed her forehead and walked to the kitchen. I am a little bit nervous but at the same time very excited. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt two little arms being wrapped around my leg. ''Hey sleepyhead, are you ready for today?'' I asked while giving (Y/N) some breakfast. ''Yes! I am very ready!'' She giggled. When we were done with breakfast I put the plates in the sink. It was currently 11:30 AM. ''(Y/N) go get dressed, we are leaving in 5 minutes.'' ''Okay Mark!'' She said running upstairs. She always calls me Mark and not dad or something, I am still waiting for the day that she is going to call me her dad. If that is ever gonna happen.

Your P.O.V.

When I was done getting dressed, I ran downstairs and giggled when Mark lifted me up. ''Ready to go pumpkin?'' ''Yes, but where are we going?'' I asked curiously. ''We are going to the park and we are going to meet someone special.'' Mark said. We walked for about 10 minutes before we arrived at the park. I grabbed Mark's hand because I was a little scared to meet new people. Mark squeezed my hand a little, he could tell I was a little nervous. We walked to an old bench, there was a woman sitting. She had long black hair and way too much makeup. When she saw us she quickly stood up and gave Mark a hug and then turned to me. ''(Y/N) this is Annabell, my girlfriend and the person I talked about earlier.'' Mark told me. (Yeah I know about Amy and stuff but just have patience!) She smiled and hold her hand out to shake. I shook her hand and winced a bit because she was squeezing my hand pretty hard. Mark didn't notice though, he was too busy smiling and looking at Annabell. ''Soooo Markimoo,'' she said in an annoying way ''you can sit here while (Y/N) and I will go to the swings and get to know each other, alright?'' ''Yeah go ahead!'' Mark said smiling and giving a quick kiss to Annabell. Yuck.

Annabell dragged me to the swings and let me sit on one. ''So (Y/N), I'm gonna say this one time.'' She said standing in front of me leaning very close. ''Stay. Away. From. Mark. Got it? Or else... I am gonna have to punish you real bad.'' (Not like that you pervs!) I nodded slowly, almost crying. I was really scared, why would Mark date her? ''Oh, you gonna cry now?'' She said laughing. ''N-no'' I said wiping my tears away. She snickered and walked behind me and began to push the swing. I was just pretending to have fun when suddenly Annabell stopped the swing causing me to fall off the swing. I landed with a thud on the ground and Annabell was pretending to be in shock. ''Are you okay darling?'' I looked up to see a beautiful woman with blond hair. ''Y-yeah thank you...'' I said while she helped me up. ''The name is Amy and yours?'' '' (Y/N)'' I said softly. She nodded and quickly wrote something on a paper and gave it to me. ''Here keep this, read it when you're alone.'' She gave me a hug and walked away. I put the paper in my pocket just when Annabell walked to me pretending to care about me. I saw Mark running towards us. ''Oh my, are you okay honey?!'' Mark asked hugging me. ''Yeah I am fine.'' I said. I looked at Annabell and then said ''A nice woman helped me up.'' Annabell gave me a death glare and I gulped. ''Well that's nice, now let's go home.'' Mark said intertwining his fingers with Annabell. I just walked with some distance behind them.

When we got home Mark let us in. I quickly took my shoes off and ran to my room. I jumped on my bed and curled up in a ball crying silently. There was a soft knock on my door, I didn't respond I just kept crying. ''(Y/N)? What happened?'' Mark sat on my bed and hugged me. I hugged back and said ''N-nothing I... I was just in shock from falling.'' I whispered. ''Now go and have fun with your girlfriend.'' I said giggling and waving him away. ''Alright but come to me when there is something wrong.'' Mark said while walking away. After Annabell left it was already 10 PM. I just changed into pj's and crawled into bed. The last thing I remembered before falling asleep was Mark kissing my forehead.

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