Crankgameplays #3

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(Hey guys! I finally finished this one, it took me forever to come with an idea. You are 13 years old in this one. Enjoy!)

Your P.O.V.

''Eeethaaaaaaaaan!'' you whined and shook his arm. He was currently editing a video but you were very bored. Today you were at the apartment of your best friend Ethan. Yes, you were friends with the crankgameplays, but you didn't know that at first. This is how you two became friends a few months earlier:

You were at the sports hall practicing gymnastics for the competition next week. The last time you ended 4th and you weren't satisfied with that, you wanted the first place or at least in the top 3. You practiced every day for 8 hours straight. Your coach trained you 2 hours though. When he leaves you always stay to 'change in your regular clothes'. Of course, you know that practicing too much can be dangerous but you didn't really care, you just wanted to win a prize for once. You sighed and drank some water. When you looked to your right you saw a boy with blue hair doing some flips. He was really good, no way you could win from him with just 8 hours of training. ''Alright!'' You encouraged yourself and clapped in your hands. ''No more breaks from now on.'' You said to yourself. So you began to train extra hard, your body begged for a break but you didn't give in.

After some time you were about to do a backflip when you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder. You jumped and turned around and you were met with the blue haired boy. ''If you're gonna say that I'm never gonna win, then leave.'' You said angrily. ''Don't you need a break?'' He asked completely ignoring what you said. ''So I can let you win? No thanks!'' You were about to walk away but you felt very dizzy and collapsed on the ground.  ''Hey, take it easy!'' You heard the boy come closer. Sighing you realized you were too hard on yourself. The boy lifted you up in his arms and walked away. That was the last thing you knew before you were knocked unconscious.

You woke up and every muscle in your body was sore, you couldn't move. Great, you can say goodbye to the first place and it's all because of that boy. Speaking of him, where was he? You didn't recognize the room you were in. You began to panic and were about to get up when he suddenly walked in. ''Don't get up, you need to rest. My name is Ethan by the way, I brought you to my apartment because I don't know where you live.'' He said handing you a cup of thee. ''Thanks, my name is (Y/N). Because of you, I can't win anymore, thanks a lot.'' You huffed but when you looked at his face he looked very confused. ''What are you looking at?'' You said. ''I don't get it, why is it because of me? You did this to yourself!'' He said and you sighed irritated. ''When I saw how good you were I knew I had to work harder if I wanted to win from you, so I did.'' You explained still angry. He blinked a few time and then burst out in laughter. ''What is so funny?!'' You yelled. He finally stopped laughing and looked at you. ''I wasn't training for that competition. In the past, I trained in that sports hall so I just came back for fun.'' He explained still giggling a bit. Your jaw dropped and your face went red. ''I am such a stupid child...'' You mumbled. ''Hey don't say that! I saw some of your practice and you were really good. It is such a shame you exhausted yourself like this, you would've won for sure!''

And that's the story about how you became friends. By now you had finally dragged Ethan to the sports hall after being bored and had been whining for the past hours he had finally come with you. ''Remember the first time we met he-'' ''YES, YES! Let's talk about something else shall we?'' With that, you both laughed and goofed around. For sure good friends!

(The end. Hope you enjoyed!)

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