Natewantstobattle ~~Request~~ #2

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(Request by @kambreychesnut hope you like it! 6 years old for this story. Enjoy!)

Your P.O.V.

''(Y/N), you need to let go now.'' Your mother said. ''But I don't wanna be alone!'' You whined tugging at her arm. ''I know sweetheart but your brother is looking after you for a few days until me and your dad are back from a work trip. Be nice okay? We love you!'' She pulled away from the hug and pressed a kiss on your forehead. You waved as your parents drove away. You sighed, tomorrow school will start again. you hoped the bullies will be nice for once but deep down you knew that will never happen. '''(Y/N)? Are you coming inside?'' You turned around and smiled at your brother also known as natewantstobattle. You ran up to him and jumped on his back. He laughed and went inside.

~~time skip~~

Nate woke you up and let you eat (Fav. breakfast). He promised to take you to school and when school is over to pick you up. After you got ready, you got in his car. (Does he have one?) The whole ride you sang songs with your brother, not caring about the fact that you couldn't sing at all. (Sorry if you can!) Arriving at your school he gave you a hug before driving off. Sighing you made your way to your locker. You looked at your schedule, great, History the boring subject. Turning around you bumped into your bullies as if your day couldn't get any worse. ''Watch where you're going loser!'' The 'leader' spat at you. You just shrugged and continued walking. To your surprise, they didn't say anything else or do anything to you. Maybe, just maybe, this day isn't going to be bad at all.

~~time skip~~

You smiled and quickly gathered your stuff when the last bell rang. When you walked out the door you tripped over someone's foot. Your books were now scattered all over the ground. You heard laughing and when you looked up your eyes locked with the 'leader'. ''Ugly creatures like you aren't allowed to look at me!'' they screamed while slapping me across the face. They continued to beat you up and you just took it. Fighting back would only make it worse and you didn't give them the satisfaction by crying either. Once they finally left you picked up all your books and walked to the nearest bathroom. You checked if you were alone and began to cover the bruises. A slightly blue eye, some cuts, and a busted lip. Could've been worse, you thought to yourself. Once you were done you rushed outside where Nate was waiting for you. ''Took you long enough!'' He smiled at you. ''Sorry! I had to use the bathroom!'' ''It's ok. Hop in!'' He held the car door open for you and you jumped in the car.

''Ugh! Finally home!'' You sighed while rubbing your hand over your face. You didn't notice by doing that your makeup would be wiped off. Nate left to get some drinks and he came back with (random drinks). He gasped, dropped the drinks and ran to you grabbing your face with his hands. ''What happened?!'' He asked worriedly. Your eyes widened and you looked down. ''It's nothing...'' ''Nothing?! Do you call that nothing?! Does this happen often?! Who did this?!'' He continued to freak out and you began to cry softly. When he noticed he stopped and pulled you on his lap hugging you tightly. Whispering sweet nothings into your ear while rocking you back and forth. You rubbed your eyes when you stopped crying and explained what happened just now. ''Come on, let's get you patched up.'' He said while leading you to the bathroom. The rest of the day he played with you and watched movies until you both passed out on the couch. You had the best brother in the whole world!

(Sorry for the end, I didn't know how to end it! Hope you liked it! See you next Sunday!)

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