Team Edge #2

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(Howdy! I am not including all Hi5 members because that's a little too much, sorry! Just pretend the other guys are at home or something. Also, I don't know where the warehouse is, so just imagine ;). You are 9 years old in this one! Enjoy!)

Your P.O.V.

You walked aimlessly around. Once again you were lost. You went with your parents to the mall in LA but after a while, you ran to some toy shop and you lost your parents in the crowd. You got often lost because you were always running away completely forgetting about your parents. Most of the little kids that were lost start to cry, but you didn't. You were the one to explore and make it your mission to find your parents. Sometimes that worked but sometimes you just got farther away from your parents.

Of course today you just went farther away. You walked to the right while your parents were on your left. You didn't notice that you walked away from the mall into a business area. You looked around the parking lot and at the building in front of you. Maybe there are people here who can show me the way, you thought. You walked to a door and slowly opened it. Quietly walking in you noticed it was a big warehouse with artificial grass on the ground, a lot of toys, a strange wheel and some camera equipment. Your eyes widened at the sight of so many toys, you thought maybe children like you played here. However, you didn't dare to touch the toys, if it weren't yours and you took it that was called stealing according to you.

At the end of the big warehouse full of toys, there was an orange door. You were curious and wanted to check it out but before you could do that you heard footsteps and voices coming closer. You panicked and hid behind a screen of foam, what if they thought you were going to steal something? You made yourself as small as possible when you heard the door open and people walking in, talking with each other. ''Matt, can you grab another one of these from over there?'' You heard someone ask another. Your body started to tremble when you heard footsteps coming closer. You squeezed your eyes shut and you didn't dare to look up, hoping that he didn't see you. ''Hey, what are you doing here?'' You heard Matt ask softly. You lifted your head slowly with tears of fear streaming down your face. ''Come here, it's okay.'' Matt said opening his arms. You hesitated before running into his arms, hugging him tightly. Matt lifted you up in his arms and walked out of the corner.

''Who is that?'' You looked to see who it was and you saw a guy with a hat, sunglasses and earrings. You hid your face in the neck of Matthias. ''I don't know. He/She sat over there in the corner.'' Matthias said pointing to your hiding spot. He sat you down on your feet and you walked to the other guy. He crouched to your level holding out his hand. ''Hello there, my name is Bobby and what is your name?'' He asked. You giggled and shook his hand. ''My name is (Y/N)!'' You said cheerfully. You liked Bobby, first you were shy but he isn't a scary guy. ''Why are you here (Y/N)?'' Matt asked. You turned around to face him. ''I lost my parents at the mall and I ended up in here! I honestly thought that this was for children.'' You said laughing a bit. ''Well it's just guys in here! Can you describe your parents so I can try contacting them?'' Bobby asked. After telling him Matt took your hand and walked to the orange door. ''Shall I introduce you to the others?'' ''Yes please!''.

Apparently you were in a big office space. You walked into a room with a fridge, a table with some chairs and a staircase. On the ground was an orange carpet. Giggling, you let go of Matt and pretended that it was a red carpet with photographers making pictures of you. Matt looked at you and laughed. ''Come on little celebrity, this office first.'' Matt said pointing to a door with a big window next to it. In the office, there were two guys working at their desk. ''Kevin, Chad, this is (Y/N), he/she is staying here for a bit until her parents pick her up.'' Matt said to the guys. ''Nice to meet you (Y/N)!'' A guy with glasses and a tinted skin color with the name Kevin said. ''Hello there kid!'' A tall guy with blonde hair with the name Chad said while giving me a high five.

In the next office, right next to the other one, was a shorter guy with a beard with the name Mike. His office was full of music stuff. You loved music and you loved this office to bits. ''Mike?'' You asked. ''Yeah?'' ''Can I play a song on the keyboard?'' You asked clasping your hands together. ''You can play the piano? Sure go ahead!'' Mike said turning it on. You smiled happily and started to play your favorite song. When you were finished Matt and Mike clapped for you and you bowed giggling. ''Ready to go and see the other guys?'' Matt asked. You nodded smiling and you two waved at Mike before walking upstairs.

The upstairs looked a bit like a living room with a tv and a couch. Matt walked to the office across the stairs and opened the door. There in a chair sat a guy who looked like Kevin except this guy had no glasses and no facial hair. ''This is Bryan, Bryan this is (Y/N).'' Bryan waved and I waved back before going to the next office. The room was almost completely painted green. Matt introduced me to the two boys in there. A guy with ginger hair with the name Connor and a guy with the name Paul. We moved to the next office and I was introduced to Joey or J-Fred. He was very tall and he had a hat on just like Bobby. I laughed at his funny faces and we then went to the last guy. He had glasses and his black hair was in a knot. I was a bit scared of him for some reason. I hid behind Matt's legs when he introduced me. ''(Y/N), don't be scared! Gunner is a nice guy, he won't harm you.'' Matt said and you slowly walked to Gunner. He looked down at you with a questioning look. ''I wanna play with the guns!''

You were now playing a nerf battle with Kevin, Matt, Gunner, Connor and Bryan. They had given you a rather small gun and you didn't like it so you just grabbed a bigger gun from the rack. Everyone looked at each other like you were crazy. You just smiled and told them not to hold back just because you were a kid. And so the battle began. You often played this with your dad and you were very good at it. You dodged like a maniac and your shooting was very accurate. The guys were defeated in only 10 minutes. You smiled and they wanted to do another round because they did hold back and you agreed. The next battle ended in 17 minutes and you were second and Matt was first. ''What? I can't even win from a nine-year-old?'' Connor whined throwing his hand in the air. ''Are you ever gonna win, Connor?'' Matt asked him teasingly.

The rest of the day you hung out in the office and you really enjoyed it here. Bobby succeeded in finding your parents and they said that they would come and pick you up in 10 minutes. You were a little sad because you didn't really want to leave. Your parents arrived and you said goodbye to everyone. ''(Y/N), when your dad and I are going abroad for work, would you like to stay here for a while?'' Your mother asked you. You nodded happily and jumped up and down from excitement. You didn't leave the guys forever!

(The end. Sorry this one was really bad. See you next Sunday!)

~~YoutubersxChild!reader imagines~~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon