Chapter 13

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Taylor's POV

We danced and had food and did all kinds of things at my party! This was officially the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!! I'm so happy that Tinus is my boyfriend and I'm so happy that I get to spend this day with my 4 best friends: Mac, Tinus, Megan, and Amber!! When the party was over the 5 of us walked back to Mac, Tinus and Amber's house for a sleepover. We all got changed into pyjamas and then Megan and Amber followed me into Amber's room. She wanted to talk to Megan and I. "So....What happened at the party?" She smirked at both of us and we blushed. "Megan I saw you kissing Mac and Taylor I saw you go behind some leaves to talk to Tinus!" She said. "Well, it's a long story but basically Taylor and I are dating Mac &I Tinus!!" Megan blushed. I blushed too. "OMG YOU GUYS ARE DATING THEM?!?!" She yelled. We told her to shh and then we all started screaming. Lol😂! "Omg I'm so happy for you guys!!" Amber smiled. We all walked downstairs where the boys are. It was 11pm, so I knew Amber was gonna go to sleep soon. She's always the first to go to sleep. I don't know why because she always complains about being tired because she stays up too late! Maybe she goes to her room and just hangs out? I guess, but I didn't bother asking. The 5 of us watched a scary movie. I LOVE scary movies! Tinus hates them, so he and I were cuddling on the couch because he was so scared! At the scary parts he would hug me tight and look away and I would laugh. I don't mind him being scared, it's really adorable! Sometimes Maggie would look over and laugh with me. When we were halfway through the movie I saw Megan and Mac getting scared at what was probably the scariest part in the whole movie, so I don't blame them! Maggie buried her face into Mac's chest and he cuddled her, closing his eyes. I giggled. Amber and I don't get scared as easily as Tinus, Mac and Maggie do! I always see Amber giggle at them when they're scared, then thy look at her and giggle a bit too! When the movie ended Amber went upstairs. Mac, Tinus, Maggie and I decided to play truth or dare. I know Megan HATES to play it so u wanna see what happens! I went first. "Ok...Megan! Truth or Dare?!" I asked and squinted my eyes at her. "Um...Truth!" She smiled. "Hmm..." I was trying to think of a good question. "How old were you when you had your first kiss?" I asked. She blushed. "Um.. when I was 13 at Summer Camp! Where we met!" She replied. I smiled. "It was Justin wasn't it?!" I smirked. Justin was her friend from school who went to camp with us when we met 2 years ago. She liked him at the time and he liked her. "Ya..." Maggie said quietly and covered her face with her hand. I gasped jokingly. We all laughed. Then Maggie looked at Tinus. "Tinus! Truth or Dare?" She asked. "Truth!" Tinus smiled. "Have you had any girlfriends before Taylor? If so, how many?" She asked. I stared at Tinus waiting for his answer. "Ya I've had one girlfriend before just after I turned 13. I really liked her at first, but then she got too clingy and annoying so I broke up with her." He smiled. Now was Tinus's turn! He picked me, and I said Dare! I was dared to eat 3 spoonfuls in mayonnaise and did it with a blank expression acting like it was nothing. I laughed. Now it was Mac's turn who picked Megan! She picked truth because she's a wimp and she admits it! He asked her about her celebrity crush and why. She said Shawn Mendes because she LOVES his music and he's really cute! She downloaded all his albums and listens to them all the time! We all laughed when she said that! Then we all went to bed in the boys rooms. Megan went with Mac and I went with Tinus! He and I played heads up on my phone for a bit. We did a Harry Potter theme! I'm not the best at Harry Potter. Maggie is a full on Potter fan so she would know more than I do! Her and I used to play at Summer Camp every day! She was beast at it! Tinus was really good too! We played different themes for a while then decided to go to sleep. We both lay on his bed and then he put his arm around me. "Goodnight." He whispered. "Night." I whispered back as I kissed him in the cheek. Then we both fell asleep.

Megan's POV

I cuddled with Mac on his bed and we talked for a bit. He's seriously sooo comfy!! We both fell asleep after a while.

Thx for reading this chapter! I almost got to 1000 words!! I u have any suggestions or ideas for this story please comment or message me!❤

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