Chapter 14

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Marcus's POV

I woke up with Megan laying on my chest. She was still asleep and I was really hungry but I stayed in bed with her.If there's one thing that will keep me from constantly eating, it's Megan! I'm so happy that she's my girlfriend! I layed there and looked through my phone until she woke up. "Good Morning!" I smiled. "Mornin'!" She mumbled. "You wanna go eat?" I smirked. Megan knows I LOVE FOOD!!! She does too clearly, she jumped right out of bed and  we both ran downstairs to eat breakfast. Of course Martinus was already up! There were waffles on the table. I guess he put out leftovers.Megan and I grabbed some and stuffed them in our mouths. When we finished Taylor woke up and wanted to play football (soccer for those who don't know) so I went to play with her. Megan and Tinus didn't feel like it so Taylor and I went to the football field.

Megan's POV

Tinus and I stayed home while Taylor and Mac went to play football. "So what do you wanna do?" I asked him. "Ummm.....I don't know." He shrugged. "Wanna play video games?" I smirked. I know he loves video games. Taylor told me. I do too but I don't think Tinus knows that. "Sure!" He jumped up with excitement and we raced to the room at the end of the hall upstairs. I guess you could call it like a game room or something. It has a big TV and bean bag chairs for playing video games, and the consoles are on the shelves underneath the TV. He has an Xbox 360, a PS4, and a Wii. He put in Fifa 17 and we played. He was Chelsea and I was Manchester United. I'm not a huge fan of football but I watch and play it sometimes. I beat Tinus 3-2! "Yay!!" I raised my arms in the air. He giggled. "Is that your first win?" He asked. I nodded and blushed. He giggled again. Then my phone went off. I got a text from Mac. I looked at it and started crying. It read:

Hey I just wanted to say that at Taylor's party when I said I wanna be with you I only said that to make you feel better I didn't think we would end up dating I'm sorry but i'm breaking up with you I really don't like you.

Tinus saw me crying and looked really concerned. "What's wrong?!" He said really worriedly. He squeezed into my bean bag chair beside me and put one arm around me and one arm on my arm closest to him. "Megan please tell me! What's wrong?!" I could hear the worry in his voice. He sounded really concerned. I showed him the text and he hugged me. "O my god I can't believe he would do that to you." He said quietly. I continued crying. I was crying so hard I could hardly breathe. How could he?! I knew I shouldn't have believed in him when he said all those things to me at the party! I just knew it! Tinus continued to hug me. I felt so protected, like when Mac hugged me in the treehouse.

Martinus's POV

  I can't believe Marcus did that to Megan! But he would never! Even if he didn't like her he would never text it like that! Maybe he's changed, maybe he's not the Marcus I used to know. I just hugged Megan as tight as I could! I feel so bad for her! She needs someone who will treat her right, someone like me. WOAH DID I JUST THINK THAT?!?! NO I CAN'T LIKE HER I'M WITH TAYLOR!!!!!  

Taylor's POV

  Mac and I were playing football when everything went black. All I heard was Mac crying. Then I woke up in a hospital bed. I felt someone squeezing my hand. I looked over and it was Mac! I slowly sat up and put my hand on my head. I turned over Mac who hugged me. "Thank god you're OK!" He said. He sat on the edge of the bed and I asked, "What happened?" and he replied, "A girl walked up behind you and hit you with a bat. I saw at the last second so I wasn't able to stop her in time." He said tearing up. "Oh....Do you have any idea what she looked like or who she is?" I asked. "She looked like Amethyst but with short hair. I guess she cut it." He said. "Amethyst?! No she wouldn't have hit me!She's my friend!" "I know I couldn't believe it either. After she hit you she told me to shh and then hugged me. It was weird. Then she ran off. I ran to your side and started crying. I kept screaming your name trying to wake you up but you wouldn't. You were unconscious so I tried calling someone but when I reached into my pocket my phone wasn't there. I think Amethyst took it when she hugged me! So I picked you up and carried you to the hospital down the street from the field." He explained while tearing up more. I grabbed his hand. "Don't cry for me.You know I've gone through worse, I'm pretty sure I'll get through this." I smirked. Mac laughed. "Has Amethyst ever mentioned anything about me?" He asked. "Ya she used to have a crush on you. I don't know if she still does but she has since Easter.Maybe she still does like you. Did you post anything about Megan on Instagram?" I asked. "Ya I have." He grabbed my phone from the table and unlocked it. Me, Mac, Tinus, Amber and Megan all know each other's passcodes to our phones. Mac went to Instagram and to his and Martinus's account. "I posted this." He showed me the picture.  

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