FINISHED!! and Chapter 20

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Good news! I finished writing this story and I'll be posting one chaoter a day!! Remember to comment if you want a sequel!! So here's chapter 20!

Amber’s POV

Megan, Taylor and I ran to the hospital, all of us in tears, worried about Marcus & Martinus! Also we need to check on Madison! I hope they’re ok! Megan’s parents are probably gonna be there, too so that’s gonna be bad! We got to the hospital and ran to the front desk. “We’re here to see Marcus & Martinus Gunnarsen! We’re here with their family!” Megan says. “Are you all relatives?” The lady asks. “I'm their sister!” I said. “And they’re their girlfriends!” I pointed at Taylor and Megan. “Ok you can see them shortly. Doctors are doing some tests to see if they'll need surgery or anything.” The lady smiled and we smiled back. Taylor and I walked to some chairs and sat down. Megan didn't follow us and she's still at the front desk. “I'm also here to check on my little sister, Madison Smith!” I heard her say. The lady nodded and was about to take Megan to see Madison when her mom walked in!

Megan's POV

I asked the lady if I could see my sister and then my mom walked in! She didn't look like she just drank 4 bottles of wine, she looked normal. “I'm with her. I'm Madison Smith’s mom, Sierra.” She said calmly. The lady nodded and walked us both down the hall. I didn't look at Mom. “Megan I'm sorry for what happened! I was drinking out of worry and I got drunk and hurt you and I'm very sorry!” She sounded like she was gonna cry. “It's ok.” I said quietly. “When I told you to go to your room, I checked a couple hours later, and you weren't there. I was worried. Where did you go?” She asked. “Marcus came to get me. He took me to his house and I slept over.” I answered. I looked at her and saw her smiling. “Marcus is a very sweet guy. I can tell he cares a lot about you.” She said. We smiled at each other and then went into Madison's room. She was lying on the bed, smiling at us. She had a bunch of tubes attached to her. But she was looking better. Mom and I walked over and Mom got down on her knees. She talked to her quietly and held her hand. She kissed her forehead and left the room. Now it's my turn. I got down on my knees and looked at Madison.

Madison's POV

“Hi Maggie.” I said quietly as she got on her knees. “Hi Madison. Feeling any better?” She asked. I nodded and smiled. A doctor came into the room to check on me. “How's she doing now?” Megan asked him. He went to get Mommy. He came back and explained. “We did plenty of tests on Madison, revealing that she had a 50% chance of making it. We did surgery, and that went really well! We'll have to do a couple more tests and give her some medications and stuff, and if all that goes well, she'll most likely be out of the hospital by tonight.” He smiled. Mommy, Megan and I smiled too. Then Megan kissed my nose and said “I'll see you tonight!” We smiled at each other and she left as doctors came into start tests.

Taylor's POV

Amber and I sat in the waiting room until we saw Megan and her mom walk towards us. Her mom explained what happened when she hurt Megan, and she explained what's going on with Madison. We're so happy that she's gonna be out tonight! The lady at the front desk called everyone over; Gerd Anne, Kjell Erik, Silja(big sister that's been away), Emma, Me, Amber, Megan, and Sierra. We all walked to Mac & Tinus’s room. Amber, Silja, Emma, Gerd Anne and Kjell Erik went in first since they're family. They were in there for a couple minutes and then went back to the waiting room. Then Megan, Sierra and I walked in. Megan went to Mac’s bed first and I went to Tinus’s bed first. I knelt down and held his hand. “Hey. How are you feeling?” I said sadly. “I’m ok. Better now that you're here.” He smiled. I smiled back. “Doctors came in and did some tests on us…..Mac will be out tomorrow and I have to stay for another day.” He continued. “Well, you did pass out and hit your head on a wall…..” We laughed. “When you get out.. there's something I need to talk to you about. I can now it'll stress you out.” He nodded. Then I started crying a bit. He wiped my tears away. “Don't cry. I'll always be with you. I'll never leave you. Everything will be fine.” He smiled. I gave a sad smiled back and kissed him.

Megan's POV

I went over to Mac’s bed and got on my knees and held his hand. “Hey Maggie.” He said smiling at me. “Hey.” I smiled sadly. “I'm sorry that this happened to you.” I said. “Don't be sorry you had nothing to do with it. Jack was holding you really tight. Are you ok?” He asked worriedly. “When he was holding me I couldn't breathe. It was really tight! (Giggles) I was having trouble breathing in the corner. But I'm ok now.” He smiled. “As long as you're ok I'm happy.” He touched my cheek as I smiled. “I'll be out tomorrow morning. Tinus will have to stay for longer.” He said. I nodded and kissed him. “I'll be here in the morning.” We both smiled. Then Taylor and I switched places. My mom was with Taylor and Mac, so no one was watching me and Tinus. It kills me to see him like this! Mac too, of course, but Tinus just…..I don't know how to explain the feeling. “Hey” I said almost starting to cry. “Hey Megan. I know you wanna cry and please don't. It'll make me cry, too.” He smiled sadly. I giggled. “So you'll be out tomorrow, too?” I asked. He shook his head. “My condition is a little worse than Mac's. I have to stay an extra day.” He said sadly. I nodded. “I'll see you later then.” I said. He kissed my hand and smiled. I smiled back and left the room with Taylor.

Taylor's POV

I went over to Mac’s bed and smiled.”How ya feeling Maciboi?” He laughed. I used to call him that all the time. “I'm ok. How are you feeling?” “I'm good now. Got a stomach ache but I'm good!” He laughed again. I smiled. Then Sierra talked to him. Megan finished talking to Tinus so we left the room. Sierra stayed in there talking to Mac.

Sierra/Megan's Mom POV

I started talking to Marcus. “So you're feeling well. Can I tell you something about Megan?” I asked. He nodded. “She has never been so happy until she met you. Both you and Martinus for that matter!” I looked over at Martinus, who was smiling. Marcus was smiling, too. “Marcus you, mainly, is the person she talks about the most. She was telling me how you came to get her after I abused her, and I thought ‘Wow! You're a really sweet guy!’” He smiled again. “Thanks.” He said. “It's true! You care a lot for her don't you?” I asked. He nodded. “Yes I do. I care a lot. I would do anything for her.” I smiled again. I look over at Martinus. “How about you? You care a lot for her too?” I smiled again. “Yes I do. A lot more than you think.” He winked. I smiled at Mac and went to Tinus. “So you care a lot about her? Do you like her?” I smirked. He blushed. “Maybe…..I guess I do I'm not really sure. It's confusing. She makes me feel…..I don't know how to explain it. She's very special.” He smiled. “Good to know you guys are good to her.” I said to both of them. Then i turned back to Tinus. “And I won't tell anyone ok?” He nodded and smiled. Then I left the room.

Love ya so much!!❤

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