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"Aaron," Emily said when she heard someone pick up.
"Emily, how have you been? I haven't heard from you since-" Hotch started to say.
"Is that job still available?" she asked quickly.
"Yeah, are you thinking of coming back?" he asked hopefully.
"Well, Juliet and I were talking about it, and yeah we agreed on coming back to the states."
"I'm happy to hear that. What made you change your mind?"
"Well, Juliet told me that she loved it here, but it wasn't her home. She said home is where your family is, and the team is our family."
There was a silence.
"Aaron?" she asked.
"I'm here. I was just thinking, that's all," he said.
"About what?" she asked.
"You. And Juliet, and how excited everyone is going to be," he told her.
"Awe. Well thanks for letting me come back. After what happened-"
"Just because we had a rough patch, doesn't mean that we can't work through it, and move forward," he interrupted her to say.
"Yeah," she said quietly.
"So, when do you think you'll be coming over?" he asked.
"When can I start?"  she answered his question with a question.

After she spoke with Hotch, she walked out of her room and found Juliet standing right by her door.
"What were you doing?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Nothing," the kid said then ran back to the kitchen. Emily rolled her eyes and followed Juliet back.
"What did Hotch say?" the smaller brunette wanted to know.
"He said the job is still open if I wanted it."
"And I took it."
Julie's face broke into a big smile. She threw her arms over Emily and hugged her saying,
"That's the best thing I've heard all week."
"I'm glad you think so," Emily said.
"Where are we going to stay? What school am I going to go to?" Juliet began asking question after question, and honestly, Emily didn't know any of the answers. She knew she was going to have to figure it all out soon though. So, once Juliet ran off to her room, Emily began looking for a place and school.

Washington DC
Right after Hotch shut his phone, he walked out of his office and went straight into David Rossi's.
Dave was in the middle of talking to an intern working in the building.
"She's coming back," Hotch said with a smile.
"Who?" Reid asked from the doorway.
"Emily," Aaron said.
Right when he said that, the intern thanked Rossi and walked out. As the members of the BAU kept talking about their friend, the intern that went by the name of Michael, walked out of the room and into the bathroom. He made sure he locked he door before making the call.
Two rings later,
"Hello?" an older male voice asked.
"Sir, they're coming back to DC," Michael told the man.
"Agent Prentiss and the girl."
There was a long pause. Then the man on the other side said,
"Meet me at my place around nine, I have a plan."
"Oh, and good work Michael."
"Thank you sir."
After he hung up the phone, the older man turned back to what he was focused on before the call. He had a woman tied up right next to him with a gun pointed on her head.
"I'm done with you," he growled then pulled the trigger, ending her misery.
A small smile speared on his face as he imagined all the pain he could inflict on the one person that caused his suffering in the first place. Now was his chance to finish off that little girl once and for all. She ruined his life, and now it was his turn to ruin hers. Juliet was going to pay the price for her actions, and he knew just how to make that happen.

~Every ending is also a new beginning, we just don't know it at the time~

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