Not Awkward At All.....

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          "Hello..." The chimera greets awkwardly.

"Is uh... Everything okay? Shall I get the master of the house?" You inquire.

"No... I'm here to see you." He admits. You raise an eyebrow and shift uneasily.

"Look. Can you beat me up after I'm done with my chores?" You sigh turning away.

"I...." He starts, but frowns as his ears droop. You glance back at him, seeing he was down about something.

"Um... Come on in, if you want to talk, you can. I'll listen, but I'll be working too." You tell him before going into the tank room. He follows you silently, looking at the room of creatures. Hitori bumps his nose on one of the tanks of mice. "Those aren't ready Hitori, have this one." You tell it, grabbing a bigger mouse and tossing it to the snake.

Hitori gobbles it up and Lucci shifts. You glance at him before continuing to feed the tank creature. "Why do you have a tank room when the others don't eat rodents?"

"For Drake mostly, sometimes we have guests that eat them." You straighten as you finish. "I need to check the stones now." You add leading him back out. He was silent as you tended to the stones, then you lead him out to the fruit and berry orchid behind the orphanage.

"This'll take some time...." Lucci sweatdrops as you start cheerfully picking.

"Nah, not many of them are in—" You gasp, eyes widening as you grab his arm. "Look! They're finally glowing!" You gasp, pointing to glowing pink berries that looked like cherries with rainbow butterfly wings.

"Are those... Fairy cherries...?" His ears perk.

"Yes! Yes! I can't believe they're finally ready!" You gush running over and plucking the pairs. "They're so beautiful..." You whisper looking at them. "Here, try them!" You offer them to Lucci with a smile. He blinks, ears folding back as he looks at you in surprise.

"You... Want me to be the first to try them?" He mutters.

"Yeah, come on now. I read that chimera's like these too." You chuckle. His ears flicker and takes the pair you offer before eating them.

"These are amazing." He breathes licking his lips.

"Im glad you like them. You can have some more, just don't eat too many, I wanna make them into pies!" You chime, continuing to collect them. He starts grabs one of the spare baskets and helps you harvest them. It was nice, harvesting quietly with him.

"Have you tried one of these yet?" He holds up one of your newest harvests, a pearl fruit.

"No, have you?" You inquire. He shakes his head before taking a bite.

"Extremely sweet, but minty, I don't really like it." He hums, handing it to you. You blink and try it as well.

"I don't really like it either—" A glittery light shimmers around you both briefly. You both pause and suddenly you felt very strange. "What was that..."

"I'm not sure... How much research did you do on those?" He asks.

"Actually. Sabo planted those, I'm not entirely sure what they're meant for.." You admit as you start for the orphanage. You stumble and he swiftly brings you into his side.

"Careful my dear..." He murmurs. You both freeze and look at each other.

"What... Did you just say..?" You ask warily.

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