Chapter 3-Sunclan

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Teapaw, you need to warn Mountainclan.
SunClan is going to attack you at noon.
If you don't tell them your clan will die.
Remember SunClan has over 40 warriors.
You must be as brave as you can.

Only fire will save our clan.

Teapaw tried to speak but the image grew black.

Teapaw jolted up.
"Teapaw? Is everything alright? You were talking in your sleep." Manepelt asked.
"Uh..Yeah mom I'm fine, just a nightmare.." Teapaw mewed.

"Okay then..FosterNight is waiting for you, you should be going." Manepelt replied, licking Oakpaw.

Teapaw walked out of the nursery and went to meet FosterNight.
"Hey!" FosterNight greeted.

"Hey." Teapaw replied.
"Is something bothering you?" FosterNight asked.
"Yeah actually.I had this dream.Someone told me that SunClan is going to invade our clan at noon, and that I needed to tell our clan or else we die.." Teapaw mewed.

"It was a message from Starclan."
FosterNight said.

"Why would Starclan inform me of this? I'm only a apprentice."
Teapaw asked.

"They saw the way you killed JumpStar.They know you're brave." FosterNight said.
"Oh.What do we do?"
Said Teapaw.

"Well it's only sunrise so we have a little while before noon.After your session we could tell Hazelstar."
Teapaw sighed.
What if they don't believe me?
Teapaw thought.

"Okay show me how you would hunt." FosterNight said.

Teapaw crouched down and waited for FosterNight to speak.

"Very good.Try catching something."
Teapaw sniffed until he scented something.

He crouched down and slowly moved toward the mouse.
The mouse noticed Teapaw and ran.
Teapaw jolted after it and was able to catch it in his mouth.
He brought the dead mouse back to FosterNight.
"Very good Teapaw.I'm surprised, you have some instinct in you." FosterNight mewed.
Teapaw purred.
"Alright, your session is done.Let's go tell Hazelstar." FosterNight seemed like he knew Hazelstar would believe him.
They trotted toward the leader's den.
"Oh, hello FosterNight—Teapaw.What brings you here?" Hazelstar asked.
"Teapaw would you care to explain?"

"Well, I had a dream.From Starclan.They told me that SunClan would come to invade our clan at noon." Teapaw explained.

"Oh my.Well when Starclan brings a message onto a cat it must be important that we know.FosterNight, you and Teapaw need to warn the cats.You two are much younger than me, and will be able to make it around quicker." Hazelstar ordered.

FosterNight nodded.


Teapaw ran to the nursery.

"Oh hello Teapaw!" Hawkfur mewed.Her kits were laying by her sucking.

"SunClan is coming to invade us.I was informed to tell you." Teapaw said.
"SunClan!" Hawkfur growled.
"Oh my!" Manepelt gasped.

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