Chapter 22-Scent

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Candytail wished she could restart the day.

When she didn't wander into the woods, get chased by a pack of evil wolves, and ended up getting lost.

"Why me..?" She spoke.

She hadn't eaten in about a day, and she had NO idea where she was.

The last scents of the cats washed away, leaving no scent besides the wolves.

She wished it was someone else.

Someone who actually knew their way back to camp.

She couldn't protect herself.

She just wanted to nuzzle up in the den.

The wind rustled.

She shivered.

The sky grew darker.

A owl hooted.

The moon was the only light source, yet it could barely reach its way through the trees, leaving it pitch black.

She knew it was going to turn out horrible, but she didn't sleep, she tried to find her way through the forest.

She carefully walked forward.

She remembered this place.It's where she got chased with the wolves.

She sighed knowing that the camp was somewhere.

But where?

The scent was washed away, including Teastar's and BrindleWool's scent from last time they hunted.

The scent of the wolves came back, Candytail became uneasy.

But it smelt like it wasn't fresh, and that the wolves most likely left the area.

She started to run, her paws padded on the ground, causing noise.

She slowed down, and continued to look behind her.

She froze.

The rustle of bushes,

Behind her....

She looked behind her,

The bush was still, and it seemed like it wasn't touched.

She shook her head, and continued to walk.

The faint scent of the camp filled the air.

She was exhausted, and wanted to find the camp more than ever.

She continued on.

The sky grew darker.

Crickets chirped,
Everything was silent.

The fog grew thicker, making it harder to find any scents.

She could see the faint shadow of the camp.

The only way to go is forward..-Cats of MøuntàinClán(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now