Chapter 19-Candytail's Destiny

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The sun rose, glistening on Candytail's fur.
She moaned and woke up.

Everyone was still sleeping-OakMirror, SidClaw, WolfHeart, MorningEar, ZebStripe, LovelyTail, and MimicClaw.

The only ones who were up were Teastar and BrindleWool, who went hunting at sunrise, about 2 hours before she woke up.

They still hadn't returned and their scent didn't smell fresh—the only scent was theirs when they left, but no recent scent.

Candytail shook her fluffed fur and stepped into the sun.

Her shadow appeared as the sun almost blinded her.

She looked around and carefully walked into the forest.

The sun disappeared as the wind blew.

She wasn't comfortable going into the woods alone, but she worried about them.
Teastar—The clan leader, he's the most important to her.
BrindleWool—The deputy, soon to be leader when Teastar passes.

She continued to walk farther into the woods, the camp soon disappearing behind the trees.

She stepped on a branch and she immediately stopped and scanned the forest before walking on.

She felt like she died when she smelt the faint smell of them.
But, between them was a unknown scent.
She continued it until BrindleWool's scent stopped.

It went in the other direction—away from Teastar.

Teastar's scent continued, until the Unknown scent collided when his, only leaving Unknown scent.

Whatever it was, it attacked them.

It seemed like BrindleWool was lucky to escape.

Candytail paused her eyes widen.

She followed the Unknown scent, she soon reached a river.

She wasn't a good swimmer so she ended up trotting over the moist rocks,

The scent continued.

The sky couldn't be seen anymore and she could barely see anything.

Her heart stopped.

She noticed the faint shadow of a creature.

There was a cat.It was cats from a different clan.

The creature must of been from this clan.

She smelt again.

It was SunClan.

Candytail waited until the cats walked into the woods and soon disappearing, before she ran still following the scent.

Over all her loud noises made by her paws she swore she felt the presence of a cat.

The scent soon led into a little camp.

She sighed.

Of course it was SunClan's camp.

The only way to go is forward..-Cats of MøuntàinClán(COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora