Chapter 11-Fire

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The wind howled, almost like a screech of pain.The rain flooded the ground making it impossible to hunt.

"When do you think the storm will pass?" The new queen asked.

Teastar looked at Pinktoe."Honestly I don't know."
Pinktoe shrugged.

"How do you think the kits are doing?"Pinktoe mewed.

"Hopefully they're being taken good care of." Teastar answered.

BrindleWool and Sidclaw has been on hunting patrol for the day and they still haven't come back.

"How are you feeling?" Teastar asked,"I'm fine." Pinktoe mewed.

Pinktoe had just found out she was expecting and the whole time Teastar wanted to make sure she was fine.

Teastar nodded.


BrindleWool sighed,"Any luck?"

Sidclaw shook his head,"I found nothing."
BrindleWool hadn't found anything either,"We should head back to camp, in this storm we won't be able to find anything."
MorningEar turned,"Hey OakMirror!"She mewed.
"Congrats on becoming a warrior!" MorningEar exclaimed.

"Thank you!" OakMirror thanked,"Oh BrindleWool what happened?" OakMirror turned around.

"It's nothing." BrindleWool mewed,"Okay then..."
"How long is this storm going to last?" Pinktoe mewed, watching the clouds become darker.
"Hopefully not long." Teastar replied.

BrindleWool came rushing through, his coat soaked.

"What happened?" Teastar asked.

"That's not the point right now..We saw SunClan..." BrindleWool choked out.

"SunClan! What is with them coming into our territory! C'mon I'm seeing what's going on."
Teastar exclaimed,Pinktoe got up.

The cats walked out into the storm.

Teastar's fur bristled either the wind as he looked at BrindleWool.

BrindleWool nodded and continued to lead the cats into the depths of the forest.

"Here.." BrindleWool whispered.

Teastar sniffed and stared into the forest..

"Uh,Teastar are you okay?" Pinktoe mewed awkwardly.

Teastar walked backward.

"C'mon Pinktoe we need to get the others.." BrindleWool exclaimed.

Pinktoe and BrindleWool rushed off to the camp..

Teastar slowly walked forward making sure he stayed as quiet as possible.The light slowly faded away.

Teastar continued to walk forward, he heard noises behind him and jolted to the side.

"ArrowStar! What are you doing?!" Teastar hissed.

"What does it look like Teastar..?" She hissed back.

Teastar backed up slowly.
The sound of paws was heard,as the rest of MountainClan came, leading them was BrindleWool.

ArrowStar looked at the clan.
Teastar stared at ArrowStar.

ArrowStar looked behind her, as SunClan walked forward.

"ArrowStar we could do this the easy way or the hard way." Teastar growled.

"Then let's do it the hard way." ArrowStar challenged.

Teastar jolted forward.
He jumped on ArrowStar.

The rest of the cats started fighting.

ArrowStar scratched him and was able to paw him off of her.

Teastar's vision grew blurry, as the dark consumed him.

His eyes opened and he looked around.

All he could was ghostly figures,of the battle, all leading up to when he 'fainted'

He shivered at the sight of him loosing his 1st life but he stayed calm..

The vision of Starclan faded and he woke up again.

All the cats were still battling, the bodies of the hurt and dead Warriors laid on the ground.

Teastar got up and looked around.
Sorry this is so short I wanted to get a chapter out but I didn't have any ideas so I continued this chapter I have been writing for like two days XD.

Word count-554

The only way to go is forward..-Cats of MøuntàinClán(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now