Day 9.

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Dear Josh,

Am I selfish?

I keep asking you to come back to me because I am falling apart without you. But what if you don't want to come back? What if you want to stay away and go to a better place?

Shouldn't I be supporting that?

I should always support my husband. I should always support your choices.

So it makes me selfish if I don't, right? 'Cause I really don't want you to leave. But maybe it's better.

I should stop thinking about myself.

I just hope you want to come back to me, Josh. I love you so much.

Today I sang you the song Doubt I wrote last summer.

Don't forget about me. Even when I doubt you, I'm no good without you.

Whatever you choose, I'll understand.

I promise,

Your love

Dear Josh. (a Joshler fanfic) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now