Day 27.

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Dear Josh,

You're healing well. Your ribs are getting better and the bruises are almost gone.

That means your body is still taking care of you. So that means you can come back to me too, right?

I hope so, 'cause I really miss you.

I don't know how long it'll take 'til you wake up and it's really hard, Joshie. But I'll always wait for you.

It's day 27. You've been in a coma for the past 27 days.

I hope you're trying to wake up. The nurses say that your mind probably just works like it's supposed to do, but I'm not sure what you remember.

You can be thinking of us right now, of memories, or maybe you're thinking about why the fuck you can't open your eyes and move your body and just can't wake up.

I hope that the latter isn't what you're thinking about. I'd feel really bad if you're trying to wake up but you can't.

Coma is a weird thing. They say that everything works, except for your body moving and waking up, even though you want to.

Not always, but sometimes. And I think that's what you have too. I hope so, at least.

Some people remember everything when they get out of a coma. Some remember parts, some remember nothing at all.

And even though you're on life support, obviously, I hope your body won't abandon you. I hope you and your body will fight until you wake up and I can see your pretty eyes again.

I haven't been able to look into your beautiful eyes in 27 days.

I know I've said it so many times already, but I hope you remember me when you wake up.

If you wake up.

Colin and Jesse say that you're going to. Brendon and Dallon told me the same. Even Sailor and Clover. I'm not sure if I can believe them, though.

I need to see it to believe it.

Your hair keeps fading. It's also growing longer on the sides and on top as well actually. It's very curly. Looks so cute, Joshie.

My cute Joshie.

When you wake up, if you wake up, we're gonna do so much fun stuff, Josh. I'm never gonna take anything for granted.

Now I know that dreams can be crushed in no time, at the time you expected it the least.

Before you left for work that day, before your car crash, we talked about kids.

We talked about wanting to look into adoption more. And on that day, that exact day, you had the accident.

I feel like I want to kill that trucker for ignoring the red light and speeding into your car with great force, Josh.

I won't do it, don't worry. I won't become your murderer-husband. I just can't wrap my head around why someone would ignore that light and bring someone's life in danger.

The man didn't have much. His family got a husband with a few scratches.

I got a husband in a coma, and it wasn't even your fault.

I'm gonna sing Seize The Day by Avenged Sevenfold for you today.

Love you, baby

Your Love.

Dear Josh. (a Joshler fanfic) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now