Day 328, 10 pm.

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"How is he doing, Brendon? Is he okay? How is he feeling? Are you still with him? What did he say when he saw you? Did he-" Tyler bombarded Brendon, who was on the phone, with questions as Colin sat behind the wheel, driving home with Jesse next to him and Tyler and the kids in the back.

"Ty, Tyler calm down okay?" Brendon tried. Tyler bit his lip. "Sorry... I just... I'm so happy. God, I'm so happy, Brendon. My husband woke up. It's almost been a year and he woke up! I can't believe it Brendon I can't wait to hug him and kiss him and-" Tyler started rambling again.

"Ty? Hey, Tyler, listen to me", Brendon told him. Tyler stopped talking. "Sorry... What did you want to say?" He asked.

"Ty... Josh, he... He doesn't remember Dallon or me. He doesn't remember Andy or Mikey. Ty, he doesn't even remember his siblings. Not even his parents", Brendon muttered. "We... God, this is so hard. Tyler, we asked him if he knew someone called Tyler. He... He said no", Brendon mumbled.

Tyler stayed silent. His bottom lip started quivering and tears formed in his eyes.

"T-that's-s o-okay as l-long as h-h-he's a-awake", Tyler stuttered, trying to keep his tears in.

"R-right? I-it doesn't m-matter t-that he doesn't-t r-remember me", Tyler stuttered, before bursting out into tears and ending the call abruptly.

"H-he d-doesn't remember me", Tyler cried. "He can't remember me", he sobbed as he covered his face with his hands and bit harshly into the palms of his hands.

Colin pulled over, got out of the car and got Tyler out. He pulled Tyler in a hug, who completely slumped against Colin, causing Colin to softly fall back on the grass with Tyler in his arms, who sobbed his eyes out.

"M-my h-husband doesn't r-remember me!" Tyler sobbed. He started yelling, and Colin desperately tried to calm the boy down.

He didn't succeed. No one would.

"I hate this! I hate life!" Tyler yelled as he cried louder and heavier than he'd ever did. "I lost my world! I lost my whole world!" He sobbed. He kept crying and yelling and screaming. Colin noticed that Tyler's head was spinning, and he was right: Tyler quickly got off of Colin and threw up in the grass, emptying his whole stomach. Colin rubbed his back and pressed kisses on his shoulder.

Tyler pouted and started to cry even harder. Jesse came over and handed Colin a bottle of water. Colin grabbed it from him as he wiped his own tears away and helped Tyler to flush his mouth with the water. Then he made Tyler drink a few sips.

"C'mon sweetie, we need to get back home to Josh", Colin softly told him. Tyler looked at him for the first time that day and Colin's heart broke at how broken and sad and beaten Tyler's eyes looked.

"I lost my home", Tyler sniffled, before he started crying harder again. Colin pulled him in a hug.

"C'mon love, we need to get back there. You deserve to see him awake, and he deserves to see the boy who's been with him by his side every day since the accident happened. The boy with the ukulele, the beautiful husband", he said.

Colin couldn't get Tyler to move at first, but eventually, he got up. Jesse got in the backseat with the kids, and Tyler got in the passengers seat next to Colin.

"Don't give your hopes up, baby. Never give up", Colin told him as he grabbed Tyler's hand and gently squeezed it.


I cried omg I cried sooo hard when I wrote this & it's the first time I actually really literally started crying while writing this omg help.

This is not the end of the fic ! I have everything planned out already

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