Day 329, 4:30 am

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Ready to cry?


Tyler walked into the hospital with a tear stained face. His left hand was holding Jesse's hand while his right hand had a tight grip on Colin's. Colin carried their sleeping son on his arm while Jesse carried their sleeping daughter on his arm.

The couldn't leave the kids behind and they didn't want to let Tyler go up there on his own either.

Besides, they were Josh's best friends. They wanted to see Josh too.

They got into the elevator and went up to the floor Josh was on. Tyler texted Brendon that he was almost there before pulling on the strap around his neck and shoulder which held his ukulele in place on his back a little, and then he grabbed Jesse and Colin's hands again.

They walked in silence through the hallways of the hospital at 4:39 am. Tyler thought that he would've been excited to walk here. He thought he'd run up to Josh's room in excitement.

He didn't.

He was dreading the idea of entering Josh's room and seeing him, but not being able to hug or kiss him.

Josh didn't remember him after all.

He didn't remember anyone.

Then Brendon appeared in the doorway and looked around. He saw Tyler, Colin and Jesse with the kids and walked up to them, pulling Tyler into a hug immediately.

Tyler started to cry. He sobbed into Brendon's neck as he clung on to him.

"Shhh, we're here with you, love. We're here for you", Brendon soothed.

"I can't go in there", Tyler whispered.

"Yes you can, Tyler. You're strong. You deserve to see him awake. You can do it. I'm with you. Colin and Jesse are here, Josh's family, Dallon... We're all here for you", he told him.

Tyler nodded and took a deep breath as he dried his tears as much as he could, but other tears just took their place.

Brendon was the first one to enter the room, followed by Tyler and behind him, Jesse and Colin were.

One of the nurses had offered to watch the kids for a bit so that they could go see Josh.

Tyler passed the bathroom door and little kitchenette of the hospital room that were so familiar for Tyler. Then he saw the bed and Josh's family and Dallon, and Josh, who wasn't laying in a coma on his back anymore, but was laying on his right side away from the door they entered through, laughing lightly as Dallon showed him a cat video. Tears started to roll down Tyler's cheeks.

"Josh?" Brendon spoke up as he walked to the same side Josh was on. "Yeah?" Josh asked. His talking was going a lot better after talking a few hours.

"Remember I asked you about Tyler?" He asked.

Josh sighed. "B, I told you that I don't know who 'Tyler' is", he said.

A loud sob escaped Tyler's lips. "O-oh my g-god", he stuttered as his hand clasped over his mouth and tears streamed down his face.

Josh turned around, curious as to where the sound came from.

His eyes went wider. "My Love!" He said as he sat up in the bed.

"My Love, why are you crying?" Josh asked worriedly.

Tyler was frozen in place.

Brendon, Dallon, Colin and Jesse were frozen in place.

Dear Josh. (a Joshler fanfic) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now